Home » Corona vaccination: Young, healthy people only face risks and harm

Corona vaccination: Young, healthy people only face risks and harm

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Corona vaccination: Young, healthy people only face risks and harm

The study was published in the journal on February 12, 2024 «Vaccine» published. It is the largest observational study to date on the most common side effects of the various corona vaccinations. The study was paid for by the US Department of Health and its Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which had always promoted and recommended Covid vaccinations.

It is noticeable that most of the major media have not yet reported on this.

Thanks to mRNA vaccinations, many elderly people with underlying diseases did not die prematurely. Many of them did not have to be hospitalized because of corona disease. In contrast, the benefit of vaccinations for young people and healthy adults was minimal.

When it comes to vaccination side effects, the “Vaccine” study does not differentiate between young and old, healthy people and those with previous illnesses. It recorded the following, rarely occurring, increased relative risks of corona vaccinations:

The recorded, rarely occurring increased relative risks of corona vaccinations. The absolute number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants is very small, but with around 300 million people vaccinated in Europe, there are still many.

The most important results:

  • Guillain-Barré-Syndrom:
    Those vaccinated with Astra-Zeneca had more than twice the risk of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome. This is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s peripheral nervous system, resulting in damage to the protective covering around the nerve cells. The result is increasing paralysis of the entire body.
  • Myocarditis:
    Vaccinated people had a threefold increased risk of developing myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle). The risk was not increased or increased almost 24-fold depending on the vaccine, country and first, second or third dose. Myocarditis is a type of inflammation of the heart muscle. Myocarditis was most commonly observed in young men. It is thought to be related to the immune response triggered by the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Typical consequences of myocarditis are sudden cardiac death or heart muscle weakness.
  • Pericarditis:
    In addition, more cases of pericarditis occurred. This increase was most pronounced in the 42-day period after the third Astra Zeneca dose (almost seven-fold increase) and after the first and fourth doses of the Moderna vaccine (1.7 and 2.6 times more cases of pericarditis, respectively). ). Pericarditis occurs when the protective sac that surrounds the heart becomes inflamed.
  • Disseminated encephalomyelitis:
    After the first dose of the Moderna vaccine, there was a more than 3.7-fold increased risk of a condition called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). This causes swelling of the brain and spinal cord and damages the protective covering of the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord.
  • Cerebral sinus vein thrombosis:
    After a first dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, the risk of cerebral sinus vein thrombosis (CVST) was 3.2 times higher than expected. The risks after the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and after the second dose were 1.49 and 1.25 times higher, respectively. CVST results in reduced blood flow to the brain due to occlusion of cerebral veins, which can lead to permanent brain damage.
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The study is a conservative estimate of vaccine side effects. For example, strokes were not recorded as a possible consequence of the vaccinations. The authors also write:

“It may be due to insufficient reporting [Erfassung von möglichen Nebenwirkungen] in individual countries led to the importance of potential security signals being underestimated. It is also important to recognize the extent of false negative results.”

Professor Andreas Sönnichsen criticizes the fact that the raw data used in the study remains obscure. He considers it “very problematic” that the study only took into account the short period of six weeks after vaccination. He knows patients who only suffered sudden cardiac death after six months. And even in the six weeks, the study only recorded certain side effects, but no deaths: “What about patients who died immediately after the vaccination?” It is possible that the study underestimated serious vaccine damage. Sönnichsen was professor of general and family medicine at the Center for Public Health at MedUni Vienna and chairman of the German Evidence-Based Medicine Network until 2021. He spoke out against the compulsory vaccination that was legally passed in Austria, although never implemented.

The authors of the study in “Vaccine” point out that “in an overall assessment” the Risks of vaccinations with the To use the vaccinations have to compare:

“Several studies have shown that the risk of developing the events examined, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, myocarditis or encephalomyelitis, is higher after a SARS-CoV-2 infection than after a vaccination.”

A misjudgment

When side effects have become known, authorities in the USA, Germany and Switzerland have also regularly claimed that the benefits of the vaccinations far exceed any side effects. Thanks to vaccinations, there are significantly fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths.

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However, this was and remains a serious misdirection. Authorities such as the RKI or Swissmedic, health authorities and experts knew full well that this did not apply to all population groups. It wasn’t the case that the benefits of vaccinations were roughly the same for everyone. Several scientists had criticized this misleading early on, only they were ignored (see links to Infosperber articles from 2021 at the end).

In fact, healthy children, adolescents and adults up to at least the age of 65 – if they had no previous illnesses – had no benefit from the vaccination. Even without vaccinations, they would not have become seriously ill, would not have been hospitalized and certainly would not have died because of Corona. This also applies to all soldiers and healthcare workers in Germany who were forced to be vaccinated.

This large part of the population had no benefit from the vaccinations, but is affected by the side effects. For them, the harm is greater than the benefit.

Example shingles and myocarditis in Japan

Scientists in Israel had already demonstrated the first undesirable effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination in August 2021. In your study published in the New England Journal of Medicine they pointed out absolute numbers from: Up to six weeks after vaccination, for every 100,000 people who were vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, there were 78 additional cases of lymph node swelling, 16 additional cases of shingles (herpes zoster) and 2.7 additional cases of inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis). Infections with Sars-Cov-2 led to 11 additional myocarditis per 100,000 people:

Additional cases of myocarditis per 100,000 people: After Covid illness and after a Pfizer vaccination. Source: NEJM study from summer 2021.

Because of this and similar comparisons, authorities and experts claimed that the benefits of vaccination clearly outweighed the risks. But they do not take into account that the benefits are very one-sided: Thanks to the vaccinations, there were significantly fewer hospitalizations and deaths – but almost exclusively among older people with underlying illnesses. But the vaccinations were of no use to healthy children, adolescents and healthy adults because they would not have had to be hospitalized even without vaccinations – with extremely rare exceptions. All that remains for them are the risks and the damage, which for them is greater than the benefit.

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Despite knowledge of side effects, young people and healthy adults were vaccinated

It was already known at the beginning of 2021 that vaccinations, although very rare, sometimes have serious side effects (see Pfizer safety report from February 2021). Nevertheless, children, adolescents and healthy adults were vaccinated. Supposedly they shouldn’t infect those at risk. When the vaccination was approved, there was no evidence that vaccinated people were less contagious than unvaccinated people. On the contrary: the suspicion was quickly confirmed that the vaccination did not protect against the spread of the disease.

According to initial findings in Israel, vaccinations very rarely led to inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or to shingles (herpes zoster). According to this early NEJM study, it affected 2.7 or 16 out of 100,000 vaccinated people (0.0027 or 0.016%). But because billions of people have been vaccinated, the absolute number of those affected is still significant. The following numbers show this:

If around 70 percent of the total 450 million inhabitants in the EU countries were vaccinated, there were a total of over 300 million vaccinated people. Based on the early Israeli study, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination caused 8,100 cases of myocarditis (0.0027%) and 48,000 cases of shingles (0.016%). The majority of those who became ill because of the vaccination were healthy younger people and healthy adults. They had no benefit from the vaccinations.


Infosperber reported early on about the problematic vaccination of young people:

23. May 2021
The benefits of the corona vaccination for young people are not questioned.

10. June 2021
There is hardly any reason for young people to get vaccinated.

20. June 2021
Professor Thomas Mertens: “The flu hits children and young people harder than Covid-19”

July 9, 2021
Reprehensible incentives are intended to get young people to vaccinate (1)

July 12, 2021
Few good reasons for young people to get vaccinated (2)

July 22, 2021
Professor Peter Kremsner: “For young people, Covid infection is more harmless than a vaccination”

October 12, 2021
For healthy young people, the risks of vaccination are greater than the benefits

29. October 2021
Professor Philip Tarr: “Not vaccinating should not restrict young people socially”

Subject-related interests of the author

Opinions in articles on Infosperber correspond to the personal assessments of the author.

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