Home » Trump releases a video with the image of Biden tied hand and foot. Democrats: “As always he incites violence”

Trump releases a video with the image of Biden tied hand and foot. Democrats: “As always he incites violence”

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Trump releases a video with the image of Biden tied hand and foot.  Democrats: “As always he incites violence”

Joe Biden lying on his side, hands and feet tied with rope. In a sort of way unlikely illusion opticsgiven that the image is nothing more than a photomontage portrait on tailgate rear of a pick-up which, however, is driven by those who support it Donald Trump in the US presidential elections in November. The fact is that al tycoon He liked this initiative so much that he posted the video portraying the scene on his social network Truth, sparking endless controversy. “Trump regularly incites political violence and it’s time people took him seriously, just ask the policemen of the Capitol who were attacked while protecting our democracy on January 6,” he denounced Michael Tyler, communications director for Biden’s campaign. The spokesman for the tycoon’s campaign responded to him, Steven Cheung: “That image was on the back of a pickup truck traveling down the highway. THE Democrats and lunatic lunatics not only called for despicable violence against President Trump and his familybut they are actually weaponizing the judicial system against him”. On Truth the tycoon suggested that the video was shot on Long Island, New York, probably when he participated in the funerals of an officer killed during a check.

As mentioned, the video shows a passing pickup truck decorated with the words ‘Trump 2024‘ and flags about supporting the police, with the image of a Biden with hands and feet tied painted on the back of the vehicle. Looking for a return to Casa Bianca, the Republican painted an apocalyptic picture of the country linked to a possible second Biden term. “If I’m not elected, it will be a bloodbath for the entire country,” he warned at a rally in Ohio earlier this month. Trump spoke about immigrants who “poison the blood of our country”, echoing the rhetoric of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. And he once referred to his enemies as “parasites,” language that his opponents say reflects his authoritarian beliefs. At a recent rally, Trump went so far as to outline management of the border with the Mexico by Biden as “a conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America“.

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