Home » The provincial plan against antibiotic resistance arrives, the “silent pandemic” that claims 10 thousand victims a year. Ioppi: “Unconscious use causes damage”

The provincial plan against antibiotic resistance arrives, the “silent pandemic” that claims 10 thousand victims a year. Ioppi: “Unconscious use causes damage”

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The provincial plan against antibiotic resistance arrives, the “silent pandemic” that claims 10 thousand victims a year.  Ioppi: “Unconscious use causes damage”

In Trento, Italy, a “silent pandemic” is claiming 10 thousand victims a year, with over 8% of hospitalized patients developing healthcare-related infections. The cause of this alarming trend? Antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria, resulting in the development of multi-resistant “superbugs” that are impervious to antimicrobial drugs.

To combat this growing threat, the province of Trento has initiated a provincial plan to address antibiotic resistance over the two-year period of 2024-2025. The plan encompasses a comprehensive strategy involving all stakeholders in the healthcare system, with a focus on the One Health approach that integrates different disciplines.

Notably, Trentino has seen a decline in the consumption of antibacterials in recent years, with a significant drop in usage during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. However, with the easing of distancing measures in 2022, consumption has started to rise again, emphasizing the need for continued vigilance in the prudent use of antibiotics.

The provincial plan is structured around five horizontal areas, including governance, training, information, communication, and transparency, as well as three vertical pillars focused on surveillance and monitoring, prevention of infections, and prudent antibiotic use.

In addition to focusing on human health, the plan also addresses antibiotic resistance in animals and the environment, recognizing the interconnected nature of the issue. Surveillance data is collected from hospitals and residential care facilities, with a particular emphasis on monitoring bacterial sensitivity to antimicrobials in veterinary settings.

As healthcare-associated infections continue to pose a threat to patient safety, efforts to prevent and control antibiotic resistance are paramount. The plan also highlights the importance of environmental monitoring, particularly in wastewater from purification plants, as a key factor in the spread of resistant genes.

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Dr. Marco Ioppi, president of the Medical Association of the province of Trento, emphasizes the importance of research, prevention, and prudent antibiotic use in combating this silent pandemic. He underscores the need for awareness and caution in the prescription and consumption of antibiotics, urging both doctors and patients to exercise diligence and responsibility in their use.

Ultimately, the provincial plan aims to raise awareness about the serious consequences of antibiotic resistance and the importance of addressing this issue proactively. By taking concerted action and adopting a preventive approach, Trentino is working towards a healthier future free from the threat of superbugs and healthcare-related infections.

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