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Anne Catherine Emmerick and her visions of the bitter Passion of Christ

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Anne Catherine Emmerick and her visions of the bitter Passion of Christ

Within the framework of Holy Week, we commemorate the revelations of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerick, who was born in 1774, in northern Germany and died in 1824. Throughout her life she had visions of the present, the past and the future . As well as the visions about the bitter Passion of Christ.

Blessed Ana Catalinaā€™s life was filled with continuous illnesses, aggravated by being bedridden, an invalid after an accident. According to stories, in 1813 and in a widowā€™s house, it was where he received the first stigmata of the Passion of Christ: ā€œThose on his hands and feet, the wound from the spear, Crown of Thorns and even a cross on his chest.ā€ These external signs, she tried to hide. She suffered and prayed for the souls in purgatory, whom she saw frequently, and for the salvation of sinners.

Like most Christians of her time, Emmerick had never read the Bible, but she was convinced that what she saw was in the Bible. She did not give her visions the same value as the teaching of the Church, and since she was a child she contemplated her visions as if she were looking through a book of pictures.

ā€œThe visions in this book are private revelations that no one is obliged to believe. They are not a dogma of faith and do not add anything to the deposit of faith that the Church guards. But they are a moving help to bring us closer to contemplating the Passion of Christ, they powerfully clarify our understanding of the facts, and they bring us face to face with our responsibilities and contradictions. The visions of Blessed Ana Catalina are neither the creed nor the gospels, but they strengthen our faith, stimulate our love and strengthen our hopeā€, from the Prologue, Cardinal Antonio CaƱizares Llovera.

According to different writings, one of the main characteristics of Blessed Ana Catalina was the profusion of details when recounting the life on earth of Christ and the Virgin Mary: ā€œThe way the Lord had of gathering up his tunic when climbing the stairs , the tray that held the chalice of the Last Supper, the internal organization of the teams of builders of the Tower of Babel, the color of the segments inside the fruit of the tree of Good and Evil.

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Emmerick received frequent visits from the Guardian Angel and visions of the Passion of Christ, the stigmata of love that Christ shared with her, as a common victim for sinners. For years she only fed on the Holy Eucharist. Furthermore, she in ecstasy described the life of Christ. Read the full book at: https://anacatalinaemmerick.com/visiones_completes/tomo_once_la_amarga_pasion_de_nuestro_senor_jesucristo/la-amarga-pasion-de-nuestro-senor-jesucristo-seccion-10/

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