Home » Father Marcus Bindungwa urges Christians to ban betrayal and advocate loyalty

Father Marcus Bindungwa urges Christians to ban betrayal and advocate loyalty

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Father Marcus Bindungwa urges Christians to ban betrayal and advocate loyalty

Betrayal should be banned and loyalty should be advocated towards people who generally do us good. This was the quintessence of the high-quality homily of the Sunday vicar, Father Marcus Bindungwa taken from the Gospel of St Mark 14, 1-15, 47, on the occasion of Palm Sunday at 9 a.m., last Sunday March 24 at the Saint François de Sales parish in Kintambo.

A parish filled like an egg with a host of faithful displaying palms and several of whom dressed in red, the liturgical color of Palm Sunday required in the Catholic church. All with the passage of “Hosanna” in unison on the part of the faithful

All in a very warm atmosphere with the Espérance choir of illustrious cantors like Gypsy Muadi, Léonard Makuanda, Paulin Lelo and Jules Ovoa to name but a few.

Jesus Christ, a benefactor for humanity, good gestures and good deeds but who, on the other hand, was thanked in monkey money. In a single word or a thousand words, “betrayal” which is conjugated in all modes and times.

« Judas, the minister of finance, the financier of the group betrayed Jesus Christ and sold him. The same goes for Pierre who denied him 3 times even though he swore beforehand to be loyal to his master. But before the rooster crows the second time, he remembered what Jesus said to him, and he slipped away and wept.“, underlined this anointed of God.


The priest challenged the Christian community on the recurring betrayal which has been made a way of life for a long time each time sins are committed overnight.

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« Every time you do this to others, you do it to me. The Lord would like us to be able to correct this. Let everyone question their loyalty. Let’s accept losing our advantages: money, material goods, influence. Let us be grateful, stop ingratitude towards our brothers and sisters who generally do us good“, banged his fist on the table, the preacher of the day who is also a trainer at the St André Kaggwa Philosophy Center.

In the Catholic liturgy, Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem and the Passion. It precedes the greatest feast of the church, namely Easter: the resurrection of Christ.

These branches, once blessed, are held in the hands of the faithful who set out in procession: the march towards Easter of the people of God following Christ.

Nesta Stones

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