Home » Sarah Regez: Sections of the Young SVP are distancing themselves – News

Sarah Regez: Sections of the Young SVP are distancing themselves – News

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Sarah Regez: Sections of the Young SVP are distancing themselves – News


Six sections of the Young SVP are demanding that the national party leadership distance itself from right-wing extremist groups. They are also calling on the party’s strategy chief to go on strike until further notice.

Things are simmering in the young SVP party. Six cantonal sections have published a statement in which they distance themselves from JSVP politician and board member Sarah Regez (BL). Regez is asked to temporarily suspend her position in the party leadership as head of strategy for the JSVP Switzerland.

Meeting with Martin Sellner and “Junge Tat”?

Reason: “Sonntagsblick” reported at the weekend that Regez was said to have taken part in a meeting with the Austrian right-wing radical Martin Sellner. Members of the right-wing extremist group “Junge Tat” were also said to have been present at the meeting.

Caption: Polarized with her views: Sarah Regez. SRF

The cantonal sections demand that the allegations against them must now be clarified. And they go even further: Sarah Regez’s possible resignation or exclusion from the party leadership must also be taken into account.

The article in “Sonntagsblick” shocked us and made us think.

“If you work so closely with these circles, then I see no reason why you should politicize the board of the Young SVP,” says Marco Bortoluzzi, President of the JSVP Thurgau. He hopes the allegations are not true. But in the end it’s about taking responsibility.

Demi Hablützel, President of the JSVP Basel-Stadt, has a similar sentiment: “The article in “Sonntagsblick” shocked us and made us think.” She also calls for a quick clarification from the party leadership. “We would like to make it clear that right-wing extremism or sympathies or connections to such groups have no place in our party and that this does not correspond to our values.”

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The SVP is a party that stands up for the rule of law and democracy and makes policy according to the party program.

Legend: Should provide explanations: JSVP President Nils Fiechter. Keystone/Peter Klaunzner

The signatories of the communiqué include the Säntis (both Appenzell), Graubünden, Schaffhausen, Thurgau, Solothurn and Basel-Stadt sections. Your appeal is aimed particularly at the new party president Nils Fiechter (BE).

Fiechter: “No comment”

Fiechter only commented on the demands of the cantonal sections in writing and wrote: “As president, I generally do not comment on expressions of opinion from individual cantonal sections. Internal matters are dealt with internally at the Young SVP Switzerland.”

According to Fiechter, the “Classe Politique” would try to cover up the abuses it caused in asylum policy by pushing anyone who spoke out about this failure into a right-wing extremist corner.

It is not the SVP’s place to comment on events within the JSVP.

SVP President Marcel Dettling did not want to comment on the events in the young party. «The JSVP is an independent party. It is not the SVP’s place to comment on events within the JSVP,” writes Dettling when asked.

Will there be a big break?

Is there now a big break within the Young SVP? “I think it will become clear in the next few days and in the near future,” says Basel JSVP President Demi Hablützel when asked. What is needed now, above all, is a lot of discussions within the party.

And what does Sarah Regez say about the allegations? She could not be reached for comment Tuesday morning.

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