Home » Are you still using Windows 10? Microsoft will charge you hundreds for security updates

Are you still using Windows 10? Microsoft will charge you hundreds for security updates

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Are you still using Windows 10?  Microsoft will charge you hundreds for security updates

Microsoft Announces Cost of Security Updates for Windows 10 Users

Microsoft has revealed that it will be charging users of Windows 10 for security updates as the operating system nears the end of its support. Starting at $61 per device for the first year, the price will double each subsequent year. This move comes as Microsoft plans to end support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025.

While extended security updates are typically offered to organizations using older Windows operating systems, this is the first time Microsoft is providing this option to consumers. The decision was made in response to the large number of users still running Windows 10, with almost 70% of Windows users sticking with the aging operating system.

The company’s decision to charge for security updates raises questions about the future of Windows operating systems. Rumors suggest that Windows 12 could be released as early as June 2024, potentially leaving Windows 11 users in a similar predicament as Windows 10 users now face.

With increasing hardware requirements for newer Windows versions, many users may find it more cost-effective to upgrade their devices rather than pay for ongoing security updates. Microsoft’s move underscores the importance of staying up to date with technology advancements to ensure a secure and efficient computing experience.

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