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Salvini: “Save home is not a hustler but social justice”

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Salvini: “Save home is not a hustler but social justice”

Salvini: “Save home is not a hustler but social justice”

“The house-saving law has nothing to do with the Superbonus and has nothing to do with illegal villas.” This was stated by the Minister of Transport and Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salviniin Bari. To those who asked him to comment on the words of the general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, who compared to the law spoke of an “electoral hustler”, Salvini replied that “the home-saving law concerns millions of families who, due to small discrepancies, inside homes, perhaps inherited from grandparents or parents, are not full owners of their apartment because they cannot sell and deed it”.

Puglia Region, Salvini: “The name of the centre-right candidate in a few days”

I won’t name names, we have several proposals and we will give the name of the candidate in a few days, because the law requires that the lists be filed within a few daysi”. This was said by the deputy prime minister and minister of transport, Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of the ‘Volare Italia’ event organized by the League in Bari, speaking about the centre-right mayoral candidate for the administrative elections of Bari.

“The candidate arrives – he added – no one expected everything that is emerging to emerge. It is clear that when you talk about vote swapping and mafia gangs, further reflection is necessary”. Salvini clarified that “the people of Bari vote with their minds, they voted for someone on the left who is evidently disappointing expectations. Today 500 mayors are working for the League. That of Potenza and, I hope soon, that of Bari”.

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I don’t comment on arguments on the left – he then added – yesterday I was in Turin where the centre-right is united, where the League has presented many mayors, and where the Pd and the 5 Star Movement are divided. Today I am in Bari where the centre-right is united, where the League is growing and where the Democratic Party and the 5 Stars are giving each other a thorough beating.” “Autonomy unites the country, rewards merit and punishes the terrible administration of the Emilianos and the De Luca”. The deputy prime minister and minister of transport said it Matteo Salvini, from the stage of the ‘Volare Italia’ event organized by the League in Bari. Speaking to the audience, Salvini promised that “you will have the right to get from Naples to Bari in two hours, and from Rome to Bari in three hours in the face of those he always says no.” “Someone – he added – said that the bridge over the Strait cannot be built because there are mafias. I think that this is the most terrible offense and form of racism for the citizens of the South. The bridge will be the greatest work against the mafia and the camorra”.

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