Home » Solar eclipse on April 8, 2024: from where it will be seen in Colombia and other countries in America

Solar eclipse on April 8, 2024: from where it will be seen in Colombia and other countries in America

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Solar eclipse on April 8, 2024: from where it will be seen in Colombia and other countries in America

Starting the second week (Monday, April 8) of the year 2024, a total solar eclipse will be seen in the sky and experts indicate that the passage of the moon will obstruct the light from the Sun that illuminates the Earth. and that at that time it will be very visible in the sectors of northern and central America. But Due to the location of Colombia, it can also be seen from the northern part of the national geography, and can also occur on other continents, but partially and with a minor effect..

The NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has given indications that the beginning of the eclipse will be in the southern Pacific Ocean, but it can be seen easily if weather conditions allow it. And the first place in Continental North America where it can be seen is the Mexican coast of the same Pacific, later, The eclipse strip will continue through several territories of Mexico, the United States and Canada.

From where can you best see the eclipse on April 8, 2024?

To understand the phenomenon or know what is going to happen, the sky will darken as if it were dawn or the end of the afternoon, allowing you to see the so-called Corona del Sol. Clarifying that 100% could be seen in almost all of Mexico and in the United States in places like Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. In addition, in Canada it will be experimented in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland.

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The map shows that, to a lesser extent, the eclipse strip will also have an effect in Central America, Western Europe and the northern part of South America, in addition to the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. And so Colombia, being the direct connection with Central America through the border with Panama, would also see some of this phenomenon in the northwestern area..

At what time can the eclipse on April 8, 2024 be seen in Colombia and the rest of America?

Taking into account the indications and data provided, in addition to the fact that depend 100% on the weather conditions, in Colombia it could be seen in main cities such as Barranquilla, Cartagena, Montera, San Andrés, Santa Marta, Sincelejo and Valledupar, obviously the neighboring towns and departments of northern Colombia. The duration would be close to 2 hours, after noon on Monday, April 8.

On the same date, In Mexico it can be seen in the sky from after 11 in the morning, in the beginning area, ending around 2 in the afternoon in the northern area.. In the United States it will be after 1 in the afternoon, ending around 3:30 in the afternoon. While in Canada it will be the last place in Continental America and it will be in the middle of the afternoon.

  • Colombia: from 12:39 pm to 2:35 pm
  • Mexico: from 11:05 am to 1:33 pm
  • United States: from 1:32 pm to 3:27 pm
  • Canada: from 3:18 pm to 4:34 pm

Y NASA will have a live transmission of the eclipse on the Earth’s surface on his YouTube channel from before noon, throughout the afternoon of April 8, 2024.

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Recommendations for viewing the solar eclipse on April 8

Normally, the same instructions must be followed for those who are going to look at the sky, hoping to see when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. But It is never unnecessary to remember them, since the risk of affecting the eyes and skin is very great..

  • Do not observe the eclipse directly, without the necessary protection, for any reason.
  • Before and after each observation in the sun, the condition of the used filter must be checked. If you notice any damage or abnormality, discard it without hesitation.
  • Cover your eyes before and after looking at the Sun with special and authorized glasses, in addition to not removing them at any time.
  • If you wear formula or prescription glasses, you should use the filter in front of the glasses lenses.
  • Do not look at the Sun through any optical instrument without an appropriate filter (international certification ISO 12312-2) in cameras, telescopes or binoculars.
  • If you do not have the filter, glasses or certified viewers, you can see the solar eclipse indirectly, using a pinhole projector.

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