Home » Hedgehogs in the garden: Danger from robotic lawnmowers etc > – Guide

Hedgehogs in the garden: Danger from robotic lawnmowers etc > – Guide

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Hedgehogs in the garden: Danger from robotic lawnmowers etc  > – Guide

As of: April 3, 2024 2:01 p.m

Robotic lawnmowers or grass trimmers make gardening easier. But the helpers are a major threat to hedgehogs, who curl up when threatened instead of fleeing. This is how fatal accidents occur.

by Sebastian Dubielzig

Hedgehogs used to be present in large numbers everywhere in our country. The hedgehog is now on the early warning list of the German Red List of Mammals. The stock has therefore declined noticeably. The animal of 2024 is having a hard time. The biggest threat is humans – cars and lawnmowers can injure or even kill the hedgehog.

What are the causes of the decline in the hedgehog population?

According to the German Wildlife Foundation, hedgehogs are finding less and less suitable habitat. According to conservationists, tidied up agricultural landscapes in the countryside have replaced the previously common hedges, woody plants and species-rich poor meadows. It is estimated that there are now up to nine times as many hedgehogs in cities as in the countryside. But city hedgehogs are also having an increasingly difficult time: the animals can no longer find food or hiding places in sealed areas and gravel gardens.

According to the Leibnitz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, the loss of habitat, the decline in the availability of invertebrate prey and the increase in everyday dangers from cars, toxins, electrical garden equipment or garbage have led to a decline in the hedgehog population. If the negative influence of humans on the hedgehog continues, it is even expected that the species will have to be upgraded to the “Endangered” category of the German Red List of Mammals in the near future.

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Deadly danger to hedgehogs from robotic lawnmowers

Hedgehogs do not run away when in danger, but rather isolate themselves. This is an effective defense against foxes and birds of prey, but often not effective protection against the sharp blades of a robotic lawnmower. Together with international colleagues, researchers from the Leibnitz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research tested 19 robotic lawnmowers using hedgehog carcasses. Only a single device was able to detect and avoid large hedgehogs. With smaller hedgehogs there was always contact – with 14 of 19 robotic lawn mowers even the worst case scenario: cuts, severed limbs, complete exposure of the abdominal region or decapitation.

The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research also analyzed around 370 cases of cut injuries to hedgehogs documented in Germany that were caused by electric garden care devices and were reported by hedgehog rescue centers. Almost half of the hedgehogs found did not survive their injuries. The number of unreported cases is high. According to researcher Anne Berger from the Leibnitz Institute, injured and weakened animals hide from predators and are therefore rarely found.

How can you protect hedgehogs in the garden?

Hedgehogs travel long distances in search of shelter, food and mates, so they need access to other people’s gardens and a safe environment. If you want to help the animals, there are a few things you can do for them:

Only use the robotic lawnmower between two hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset. Hedgehogs are nocturnal, so a large proportion of cuts can be easily avoided. Make the garden close to nature (native plants), garden toxin-free and create shelter – for example through cavities in piles of wood or under garden sheds. A pile of dry leaves with branches as a hedgehog’s quarters and cover it with a plastic sheet and weigh down the corners with stones. The larger the pile of leaves, the better the thermal insulation. Ensure permeable garden fences (distance to the ground about ten centimeters or leave a small hole in the fence). In hot summers, set up shallow water bowls as drinking troughs. If possible, cover or cover construction pits, cellar shafts and swimming pools Attach a board as an exit ramp (alternatively, form a ramp out of soil). Only move the compost heap carefully and not between November and March so as not to disturb hibernating hedgehogs. Avoid using leaf vacuums. They suck in small creatures (hedgehog food) and even small hedgehogs. Reposition customs or garden fires by hand immediately before burning. Check tall grass for hedgehogs before mowing. If possible, only use robotic lawnmowers during the day. Hungry hedgehogs like to dig around in yellow bags and get caught in them. Therefore, only bring garbage bags to the street in the morning, place them elevated at night or hang them on the fence. Set up mouse and rat traps at least 50 centimeters high.

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The Federal Nature Conservation Association offers further tips on protecting and helping the wild hedgehog.

Further information

Asphalted roads, gravel gardens, robotic lawnmowers and a limited supply of food cause problems for the animals. more

The population of the prickly garden dweller is constantly decreasing because it is finding less and less food and shelter. more

In autumn, hedgehogs look for winter quarters. Animal lovers can set up natural corners in the garden for them. more

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Market | April 8, 2024 | 8:15 p.m

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