Home » Savory and Delicious Chicken Opor Recipe, Ready to Become a Mandatory Dish for Eid

Savory and Delicious Chicken Opor Recipe, Ready to Become a Mandatory Dish for Eid

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Savory and Delicious Chicken Opor Recipe, Ready to Become a Mandatory Dish for Eid

Eid al-Fitr is just a few days away. After a full month of fasting for Muslims in the month of Ramadan, it’s time to rejoice on the day of victory.

There are many things that Indonesian people usually do during Eid, starting from Eid prayers, staying in touch with neighbors and relatives, to going home to their hometowns.

What’s no less exciting, Eid in Indonesia is also synonymous with serving dry cakes and ketupat. A plate of ketupat eaten with opor or other side dishes is a “mandatory” dish when the Eid holiday arrives. In fact, some say that Eid is not complete without eating ketupat.

Ketupat is a typical Southeast Asian dish made from rice wrapped in a sleeve made from woven coconut leaves (janur). There are two shapes of ketupat, namely kepal (more common) and parallelogram.

Each shape has a different weaving groove. To make ketupat, you need to choose quality coconut leaves, namely long ones, not too young and not too old. Apart from Indonesia, ketupat can also be found in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

Usually ketupat is served with chicken opor, rendang and other regional specialties that contain coconut milk. Ketupat itself has developed due to culinary creativity in several regions. Here’s how to make and store ketupat which is delicious and long-lasting.

How to make:

1. First wash the rice until clean and drain the water.

2. Then put the washed rice into the ketupat skin. You only need to fill the ketupat 2/3 of the way, because the rice will expand and fill the ketupat skin.

3. Next, prepare a pan, and choose a large pan. Then add the ketupat and pour water until it covers all the ketupat. Cook the ketupat for approximately three hours.

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4. Once the ketupat is cooked, remove from heat and drain the water. Air the ketupat first until it is cold so that it lasts a long time and is ready to be served.

How to store ketupat to last longer

You can store ketupat in the refrigerator by wrapping it in plastic first. To reheat it, you can steam it (don’t boil it). Ketupat that is still intact is more durable than ketupat that has been cut.

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