Home » Inframerica offers women scholarships for MBA, postgraduate and short-term courses

Inframerica offers women scholarships for MBA, postgraduate and short-term courses

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Inframerica offers women scholarships for MBA, postgraduate and short-term courses

Inframerica, administrator of Brasília Airport, is launching, for the 2nd consecutive year, the Women in Aviation, Travel and Tourism Program.

In partnership with 6 renowned educational institutions, ITAérea Aeronautical Business, Lift Aviation, Saint Paul Escola de Negócios, Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB), MBA USP/Esalq and TriStar Education, 69 scholarships of 50%, 70% will be offered or 100% in MBA courses, latu sensu postgraduate courses or short-term courses.

The Program is part of a global initiative by Corporación America Airports, the holding company of Inframerica, which manages 52 airports around the world. Women in Aviation, Travel and Tourism was also launched in all cities with CAAP airports, in 6 different countries.

To apply for one of the scholarships, the woman must work in a public or private company that provides direct services to aviation and tourism, such as airport administrators, airlines, air taxi, logistics and cargo, ESATAS (Services and Air Transport Assistants), assignees, travel agencies, among others.

Each candidate, when filling out the form, can enroll in up to 3 courses proposed in the Program, but will only be included in one.

For an MBA and Postgraduate degree, the candidate must have completed higher education (bachelor’s degree, degree or technologist). For technical and short-term courses, it is not necessary to have a degree.

The final result is expected to be released on April 30, 2024.

Candidates can check the available courses, number of vacancies, discount percentage for each one and selection regulations on the Brasília Airport website. Registrations are also made there and will be accepted until April 21st.

Just access the website: https://www.bsb.aero/institucional/mulheres-na-aviacao

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