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New AI program makes deepfakes easier than ever before

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New AI program makes deepfakes easier than ever before

The artificial intelligence business is growing more and more. With Infinity AI, anyone can now create deepfake videos of famous people in minutes.

Those: Canva

The AI ​​technology that AI Infinity uses is basically nothing new. The technology has been around for a few years. Both deepfake videos and voice cloning have been around for some time. What makes the web app remarkable, however, is how easy it is to access this technology here.

Anyone with an email account can sign up for Infinity AI without any costs or hassle. So there are no hurdles, theoretically anyone can easily create and publish a deepfake video of different personalities. There is even a Discord server where created videos can be shared. The application itself is also more than easy. All you have to do is enter what a specific person should say into the application’s dialog box or you can even have the whole thing generated by the AI. This means you can have a deepfake video within a few minutes.

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At first glance, the generated videos actually look pretty real. But if you take a closer look, you can see that these videos still have small discrepancies, for example distorted or very rigid facial expressions. The voices, on the other hand, have no inconsistencies and sound deceptively real.

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Watch deepfake videos with caution

While the whole thing seems like a nice gimmick, it can also have serious consequences. In previous cases, Elon Musk’s deepfake videos have been used for crypto scams. It is also questionable whether the celebrities and people whose faces and voices are used for such deepfake videos have given their consent. It is therefore advisable to be careful about publishing such videos and only share them privately, if at all.

This doesn’t seem to bother the founders of Infinity AI, quite the opposite. The three-person team has big plans for their platform. The platform’s question-and-answer section explains that they believe a team of three writers – with no actors, directors or other collaborators – will win an Oscar in the next seven years. Whether this will of course work is questionable.

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