Home » AUSL Modena – “Donating is a natural choice, choose to donate!”, an information point at Ramazzini to raise awareness of the importance of expressing consent to donation

AUSL Modena – “Donating is a natural choice, choose to donate!”, an information point at Ramazzini to raise awareness of the importance of expressing consent to donation

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AUSL Modena – “Donating is a natural choice, choose to donate!”, an information point at Ramazzini to raise awareness of the importance of expressing consent to donation

The activity of a local health authority such as the Modena Local Health Authority is to identify potential donors and carry out samples to deliver organs, tissues, bone segments and corneas to the various regional and national banks, which will then be used for transplants. A multi-professional and multidisciplinary activity, which requires the collaboration and synergy of a fair number of professionals, both hospital and local. In fact, for some years now, thanks to specific training courses, it has been possible to take tissue and cornea samples even in so-called intermediate structures, such as community hospitals and hospices, and even at the home of the deceased person assisted by the home care service. Furthermore, the operating rooms of the hospitals in the ASL network are equipped for the living donation of bone tissue.

In 2023 they were almost done 130 samples: 3 multi-organ, 4 multi-tissue, 32 from corneas and 88 from femoral epiphysis. In the current year the numbers are in line with the trend of recent years; particularly with regards to cornea were performed 15 samples, of which 6 at the Castelfranco Hospice. Right here, in the structure located at the Regina Margherita Community House, another information point will be set up on Wednesday 17 April, again with material to raise awareness of consent to donation.

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