Home » From Tel Aviv to Rome — FASCISM WILL NOT SAVE THEM


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Byoblu-Mondocane 3/21: On air Sunday at 9.30pm, repeats, barring unforeseen circumstances, Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 11.00am, Wednesday 10.30pm, Thursday 10.00am, Saturday 4.30pm, Sunday 9.00am

What is the remedy of the ruling, political and economic classes (in liberal capitalism, one and the same) when the crisis bites their heels? The van in fascism, in any new form deemed suitable for the times. Today it presents itself in a psychomanipulative-technological guise, but without ever giving up physical violence, depending on the case, beatings or slaughter.

This is what the massacres of our brothers fighting in Gaza and the West Bank and the heads smashed by the gendarmes of the students of Italian universities – the country’s true excellence – who refuse the agreements wanted by Tajani and Crosetto between Italian researchers (read Leonardo) have in common and Israeli mass murderers.

In this regard, a conjunction between generations is to be hoped for: that of the mature, more anxious for their own survival, and the young, gifted with a long life and, therefore, with a longer and broader outlook. The seasoned people on the front line against the pharmaceutical-disciplinary assault, capable of recognizing and countering the new weapon of class warfare from above; the beardless, absent or sleepy in that instance, attentive to the planetary upheaval of the trumpets of war sounded between Gaza and Donbass.

In this way, WHO and NATO, pharmaceuticals and Zionists, were recognized as the heads of a single Hydra to be overthrown for the salvation of the world and, then identified more easily, other heads of the monster, such as the climate, gender, migrationist and of Islamic terrorism, the group of people and peoples that won the game at the end of the first half of the last century seems to have recomposed (before being then ousted and reduced to cartoons (celebrated, for example, on 25 April) by continuity autocratic Euro-Atlantic.

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Deployment, let it be said en passant, which finds a nice opportunity to recognize itself and propose itself as a link between the particular and the general, in the INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR PALESTINE which will be held in Rome on 20 and 21 April and referred to in the image above.

Everything is fine. In the various, filthy and uneducational chats that I am forced to attend in the presence of the progressive demolition of the body and the advance of Artificial Stupidity, the pessimistic, even depressed voices that complain about people’s obtuseness, their blindness, their his passivity in the face of the pressure of the enemy “System”.

There are some good reasons to flee, or to despair. The ugly and the evil are very active and can be felt on the skin. But they are definitive and successful only from a cross-eyed glance, from those who tend towards resignation, either out of conviction, or out of convenience.

Already with Ukraine we should have understood that the tracks of the infamous system, this time in the form of a war of aggression, also passed off as “defense”, were slowing down, if not actually breaking. Thanks – here is the positivity that emerges – not only to the generous and successful commitment of Russia, a true and robust defense of civilization and law, but to a dissent against the beastly behavior of an exhausted and corroded West gradually expressed by the majority of states and peoples . What they call the Global South. Something never seen before.

With the Zionist auto-da-fè in Gaza and with its justification – October 7th – which gradually revealed itself to be an enormous propaganda fake, and with the subsequent response of Hamas and all of Palestine (excluding four collaborationist scoundrels who, as we see , are always to be taken into account), all the balls with Palestinian colors have started to go into the hole.

Imagine, six months of attack by the supposedly fifth or sixth most powerful army in the world on a 160x10km strip, hosting an anthill of 2.3 million people, which suffered losses, in relation to the size of the adversary, unprecedented in the history of conflicts it has led to (don’t they tell you? They exist). And no control over the Strip, indeed withdrawal from half of it. Hostages not released. Hamas operating throughout the strip and rockets still raining down on Zionist settlements. Despite the enormous sacrifices, no revolt and rejection of the people towards Hamas and the other forces in resistance.

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Israeli society is exasperated and, although still contaminated with racist militarism, has been in direct conflict with its government for over a year. Settlements on the northern and southern borders of Israel emptied of over 200,000 inhabitants to escape blows from Gaza and Lebanon. The Axis of Resistance – Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah – day by day more capable of striking within the Zionist State: Eilat, Haifa, Ashkelon.

The major ally forced by its electorate to take positions, albeit only verbal, but of considerable propaganda value, increasingly critical and harsh towards the genocidal government. Friendly governments in total dissonance with their own societies. And above all the shattering of the moral shield under which the historical victim, painstakingly perpetuated, and the alleged current victim, have committed the most heinous crimes against humanity for 75 years. There is no escape: Israel has lost, Palestine wins with enormous strategic reverberations in the rest of the world.

He is left with Iran and the ability of the political-media mafia to reverse reality into its opposite. Israel does the inconceivable: it bombs a diplomatic representation in a sovereign country and murders. The State hit (also countless other times by Israeli-inspired terrorism) ensures a response to this maximum violation of international law. And it happens that the whole world is induced, not to be scandalized by the enormity committed by the usual outlaw state, but to be terrified by the terrible things that Iran can do. The threat is no longer Jack the Ripper, but his victim.

And from us? In short, a two-faced ruling class, totally incapable, ignorant and uncultured, and mostly unscrupulous, widely polluted by every kind of criminality and every kind of criminality, is trying to transform the society on which it floats and whose blood it sucks into passivized basis of the police state, a bloc that is both totalitarian and disintegrated, disciplined and dispersed. How good it is for the fascists and imperialists who use it. The tools are operating before our eyes: premiership and differentiated autonomy. Except that, unlike what happens in Palestine, our seasoned and immature people are paying little attention to this.

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