Home » Goodbye to Richard Horowitz, he wrote the music for Tea in the Desert with Sakamoto

Goodbye to Richard Horowitz, he wrote the music for Tea in the Desert with Sakamoto

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Goodbye to Richard Horowitz, he wrote the music for Tea in the Desert with Sakamoto

Goodbye to Richard Horowitz, a composer also for cinema, especially active between the 1980s and the early 2000s. He was born in 1949 in Buffalo, New York: in addition to being a musician he also had the opportunity to act in his career, in the short film Beautiful Child by Fabrizio Chiesa (2006) for whom he also wrote the music.

Actress and long-time friend Domiziana Giordano broke the news of his passing on Instagram by posting a photo of them together in Morocco in 1992: «Richard Horowitz rip. Great musician and intellectual, great friend.”

Among his films as a composer of music are: Tea in the Desert (1990) by Bernardo Bertolucci where he wrote the soundtrack with Ryuichi Sakamoto, with which they won the Golden Globe; Bob Swain’s Atlantis (1992); Four good guys (1993) by Claudio Camarca; Any Given Sunday (1999) by Oliver Stone Three seasons of Tony Bui (1999), A Jihad for Love (2007). Among his albums of his compositions, often made together with his art and life partner Sussan Deyhim, Desert Equations: Azax Attra and Eros in Arabia.

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