Home » Paloma Valencia accuses the IPS Sadi of financing senators of the Historical Pact

Paloma Valencia accuses the IPS Sadi of financing senators of the Historical Pact

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Paloma Valencia accuses the IPS Sadi of financing senators of the Historical Pact

In a surprising development within the debate on health reform in the Congress of the Republic, Senator Paloma Valencia launched an accusation that calls into question the financing of the electoral campaign of the Historical Pact. According to Valencia, the IPS Sasi, known for its medical care transportation service, would have contributed a considerable sum to the campaign of the Senate candidates of the Historical Pact in 2022.

The controversy arises in the midst of an already tense legislative process, where several senators faced challenges for allegedly receiving financial support from economic groups linked to some EPS in the country. Wilson Arias, senator of the Historical Pact, had requested that the impediments be approved for the congressmen who voted against the reform project and brought his complaint to the National Electoral Council (CNE), pointing out five political parties.

Valencia revealed that the IPS Sasi would have disbursed more than 1,150 million pesos to support 19 candidates for the Senate of the Historical Pact, including Wilson Arias and Martha Peralta, who were speakers of the health reform and did not declare themselves prevented from voting. , as required by law according to Arias. The figure assigned to each candidate amounted to 60,782,337 million pesos, which raises questions about the influence of these contributions on political decisions.

“Sadi, the IPS for medical care transportation, contributed $1,154,864,403 to 19 candidates for the Senate of the Historical Pact, including Wilson Arias and Martha Peralta, speakers of the health reform who did not declare themselves disabled as Senator Wilson Arias alleges that they had to do; They were $60,782,337 million for each one. The Law does not distinguish between credit or donation. Both are contributions that finance the campaign, which according to Wilson Arias’ theory generates a direct interest in the discussion,” can be read in the publication made by Valencia.

Colombian legislation does not make a distinction between credits or donations, both considered contributions to political campaigns, which could generate a direct conflict of interest in the discussion of relevant topics, as suggested by Arias’ theory.

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Although the impediments raised during the vote on the health reform in the Seventh Committee of the Senate were not successful, the CNE has initiated preliminary investigations to determine the legality of the contributions received by the political parties. This scrutiny could have significant implications for the political and legal future of those involved and for the integrity of the electoral process in Colombia.

What was Wilson Arias’ complaint?

The complaint made by Senator Wilson Arias of the Historical Pact focuses on the alleged illegal financing of political campaigns by foreign companies and owners of Health Promotion Entities (EPS) to five political parties during the 2022 legislative elections in Colombia.

According to Arias, the Liberal, Conservative, Party of the U, Democratic Center and Independent Social Alliance (ASI) parties would have received donations from companies such as Keralty and Grupo Bolívar, which have a stake in EPS. Colombian law prohibits EPS from making donations to political campaigns and also prohibits financing for political and electoral purposes by foreigners.

Senator Arias argues that the Democratic Center received at least $35 million pesos from the foreign multinational Keralty, owner of the EPS Sanitas, and $302 million pesos from the Bolívar Economic Conglomerate, which controls the EPS Salud Bolívar. In addition, he points out that the U Party would have received $87 million pesos between the two companies; the Conservatives would have received $102 million pesos; the Liberal Party $82 million pesos and the ASI would have received $22 million pesos.

Arias suggests that this financing could be the reason why legislators from these parties were against the health reform being processed in the Seventh Senate Commission. The complaint has been presented to the National Electoral Council (CNE) and a copy rests in the hands of the attorney general so that these alleged actions contrary to the law can be investigated.

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The accusation has provoked a response from the parties involved, who have described the complaint as reckless and unfounded, and have announced legal actions against Arias for possible infractions committed to the detriment of congressmen and political parties. The Party of La U, for example, has defended that the contributions received were intended for the operation of the party and not for congressional campaigns, and that such donations promote active electoral competition, in strict adherence to the ethical principles of social responsibility and politics, transparency and accountability. With Infobae

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