Home » Hasto talks about the opportunity for a Prabowo-Megawati meeting after the process at the Constitutional Court is complete

Hasto talks about the opportunity for a Prabowo-Megawati meeting after the process at the Constitutional Court is complete

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Hasto talks about the opportunity for a Prabowo-Megawati meeting after the process at the Constitutional Court is complete


Discourse on the meeting between the General Chair of the Gerindra Party who is also the elected president for the 2024-2029 period, Prabowo Subianto with the General Chairperson of PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri had emerged. PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said the meeting could take place after the process at the Constitutional Court (MK) was completed.

“The meeting, as we said, was a positive thing. However, we also really understand how Mrs. Mega, PDI Perjuangan, adheres to fundamental principles, how it is related to fraud in the Presidential Election which is processed through the Constitutional Court, there is also a hearing related to the PTUN “, so of course the momentum will be if the meeting after all the stages have been carried out,” said Hasto at Megawati’s residence, Jalan Teuku Umar, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday (12/4/2024).

Hasto emphasized that there were no personal problems between Megawati and Prabowo. However, his party is still focused on the process at the Constitutional Court as a priority at this time.



“What is important is that there are no personal problems between Ms. Mega and Mr. Prabowo, considering that historically there have been no problems. However, the main priority at the moment is to oversee the entire process at the Constitutional Court,” said Hasto.

As is known, talk of a meeting between the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto and the General Chair of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, emerged. There are factors that could speed up the meeting of the two figures who were paired in the 2009 presidential election, according to the Gerindra Party.

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Prabowo Subianto is the elected president for 2024-2029 along with his deputy, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. In the 2024 presidential election, Prabowo will face 2 competitors, one of which is Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md, who is supported by Megawati’s party.

After Prabowo’s victory was announced by the KPU last March, news emerged of plans for a meeting between Prabowo and Megawati. This discourse also emerged in the midst of a dispute over the 2024 presidential election at the Constitutional Court.

As of Friday (12/4/2024) or H+3 of Eid, Prabowo and Megawati had not met. However, this discourse remains alive with both camps emphasizing that they will never close the door to meetings.

Deputy General Chairperson of Gerindra Habiburokhman said that there were also factors of coalition leadership figures who could speed up the plans for this meeting.

“Mr Dasco and Mbak Puan communicate really well. Yesterday I chatted during plenary session, I read the report on LPSK, I heard the two of them speak very intimately in Palembang. Basically, it shows extraordinary, personal, closeness and closeness,” Habiburokhman told reporters. on Jalan Denpasar, South Jakarta on Thursday (11/4/2024).

“Because they (Dasco and Puan) are high-ranking officials of the two coalitions, I think this will be a factor in accelerating this reconciliation,” he continued.

Sufmi Dasco Ahmad is the Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party. In the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team, Dasco also held a strategic position. Meanwhile, Puan Maharani is Chair of the PDIP DPP. Puan is Megawati’s biological daughter.

In Senayan, both of them are leaders of the DPR RI. Habiburokhman also said that Puan and Dasco had a very good relationship.

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Apart from that, regarding the issue of the two camps being united, the Deputy Chair of Commission III of the DPR assessed that as many as 98 percent of the grassroots and political elite had accepted the results of the 2024 presidential election and had moved on from defeat.

“An election is an election. A contest is a contest. It’s finished. In five years if we want to contest again. We’re just waiting for the MK (Constitutional Court) decision,” said Habiburokhman.

Also watch the video: Gerindra reveals the Puan-Dasco relationship regarding the planned Mega-Prabowo meeting

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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