Home » 2 Teenagers who Drowned in Situ Cileunca Bandung Found Dead

2 Teenagers who Drowned in Situ Cileunca Bandung Found Dead

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2 Teenagers who Drowned in Situ Cileunca Bandung Found Dead

Bandung district

Two teenagers were found dead after drowning in Situ Cileunca, Pulosari Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. The teenager was found dead after a five-day search.

The two teenagers have the initials S (16) and DA (17). Both of them drowned when they were going fishing using a raft in the middle area of ​​the lake, last Wednesday (10/4/2024).

Pangalengan Police Chief AKP Edi Pramana said the two were found after joint officers conducted a five-day search. Both were discovered at different times.



“Yes, both of them were found after five days of searching. The first was found at 09.22 WIB with the initials DA and the initials S were found at 16.23 WIB,” said Edi, to detikJabar, Sunday (14/4/2024).

He revealed that the search for victims began with the Basarnas team diving to the bottom of the water at 08.30 WIB. Then it didn’t take long for the first victim to be found.

“When SRU 3 was carrying out monitoring towards the Cikulbak sluice gate, there was a suspicious figure on the right front of SRU 3. After confirming this, Bripka Deviana, who was at SRU 3, called the team via HT radio to evacuate the discovery,” he said.

The joint team immediately returned to searching not far from the location of the first discovery. After that, the second victim was found again at 16.23 WIB.

“In the afternoon, a suspicious figure was found at SRU 1. After confirming this, he was immediately evacuated,” he explained.

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“The two bodies were immediately taken to the Pangalengan Community Health Center,” he added.

Edi revealed that the two victims drowned when witness Reksa met the victim with the initials DA in front of his house. Then the two agreed to play together.

“The victim left using a red Yamaha Jupiter brand/type vehicle. However, the victim took the witness first to his house to get fishing equipment and then after taking the fishing equipment, the witness and the victim left again,” he said.

After that, witness Mutual and victim DA met victim S and witness Rendi. Victim S and witness Rendi had been waiting and had brought fishing equipment.

“After that, they will carry out fishing activities in the Situ Cileunca area and they will leave together on two motorbikes,” he explained.

Edi said that after arriving at Situ Cileunca, he immediately started fishing. However, after that, victims DA and S asked them to ride on a bamboo raft belonging to a resident. But witnesses Mutual and Witness Rendi rejected this.

“Then only victim DA and victim S got on the raft. The other two witnesses then went to the motorbike parking lot to tidy up the vehicle,” he said.

It didn’t take long, suddenly the two witnesses saw the two victims had fallen into the lake area. Then witness Mutual ran to tell the victim’s relatives and asked the residents for help.

“Victims DA and S have fallen into the lake with their hands still visible but the rest of their bodies have drowned,” he concluded.


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