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Intention to Fast Monday and Thursday, Complete with Prayer for Breaking the Fast and Its Priorities

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Intention to Fast Monday and Thursday, Complete with Prayer for Breaking the Fast and Its Priorities

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is one of the recommended sunnah practices for Muslims. Even though it is different from the obligatory fasting carried out in the month of Ramadan, this fast still has advantages and can be rewarded. However, not doing it is not a problem either.

Shaykh Wahbah Az Zuhaili in Fiqh Islam wa Adillatuhu included Monday and Thursday fasting in the sunnah fasting agreed upon by scholars. According to Shaikh Wahbah Az Zuhaili, the sunnah fasts agreed upon by scholars include fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.

From Aishah Radhiyallahu Anhu: “It was the Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who increased fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. (HR. Al-Tirmidhi, Al-Nasi and Ibnu Majah. This hadith was authenticated by Al-Albani)

Launching from NOT Online, Monday (15/4/2024), in Arabic, Monday is called isnain which has a double meaning, because in Islam, Monday is the second day of the creation of all creatures other than the earth. Meanwhile, Thursday in Arabic is called Khamis, which means five, because Thursday is the fifth day of the creation of all creatures other than the earth.

Therefore, fasting Monday – Thursday has a special priority because it is a worship that was always carried out by the Prophet Muhammad.

Monday and Thursday fasting can be done at any time on that day, except on days where fasting is forbidden, such as 1 Shawwal, 10 Dzulhijjah, and 11-13 Dzulhijjah.

The way to fast Monday and Thursday is the same as fasting in general, starting from sunrise to sunset or sunset. Of course, during fasting people need to prevent things that can break the fast.

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For this reason, know the following intentions for fasting Monday and Thursday and its advantages:

After the fasting of Ramadan, there is the fasting of Syawal which is done according to the sunnah. Sunnah Syawal fasting is done for six days.

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