Home » Voices from Gaza – “No celebration for the end of Ramadan, only destruction and hunger”. Oxfam: “No concrete commitments for civilians from the G7”

Voices from Gaza – “No celebration for the end of Ramadan, only destruction and hunger”. Oxfam: “No concrete commitments for civilians from the G7”

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Voices from Gaza – “No celebration for the end of Ramadan, only destruction and hunger”.  Oxfam: “No concrete commitments for civilians from the G7”

In Gaza the war did not stop even for the long celebrations ofEid al-Fitr, one of the most important holidays for Muslims that marks the end of Ramandan which ended on April 9th. Eid was marked by bombs and hunger. “It’s a time of celebration, when the parks are full of children playing on swings and slides. Instead, now the parks have become shelters for displaced families who no longer have a home” vents an Oxfam worker who is in Deir al-Balah, renewing the call for a ceasefire. “What should we celebrate? The death of our loved ones? Hunger? Eid this year was overshadowed by destruction and bombs.”

Meanwhile, Oxfam has launched a new call for action concrete and urgent for civilians, criticizing the outcome of the latest G7. “The call for a permanent ceasefire is certainly positive. Unfortunately, however, many good intentions continue to not translate into concrete actions by the G7 countries to stop the war and the massacre of civilians” he commented Paolo Pezzati, spokesperson for humanitarian crises for Oxfam Italia. “Since the last informal summit in February in Munich, Israel has killed others 6 thousand innocents and access to humanitarian aid remained completely insufficient to help a population on the verge of famine. Declarations of intent are no longer enough, as are vague appeals for the urgent and necessary de-escalation of the conflict in the area, which must not divert attention from putting an end to the suffering of the population of Gaza. For this reason we launch an urgent appeal to the G7 and the Italian Government to concretely exert all possible diplomatic pressure so that an immediate ceasefire can truly be achieved and work can begin on the reconstruction of Gaza. It takes courage and a long-term vision to address the root causes of the conflict, namely the blockade imposed by Israel on the Strip and beyond half a century of occupation. Only in this way will we finally be able to reach a peaceful solution and the end of an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.”

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The story is part of a series of testimonies collected by Oxfam operators and managers in Gaza who ilfattoquotidiano.it decided to publish. The goal is to have a first-person account from civilians in Gaza, those who are currently paying the highest price for the conflict.

THE PETITION – There will be no significant humanitarian response without an immediate ceasefire. This is why Oxfam has launched an urgent appeal to the Italian government and European leaders which can be joined on:

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