Home » Chuando Tan, the almost 60-year-old influencer who looks like a 20-year-old, reveals his secrets

Chuando Tan, the almost 60-year-old influencer who looks like a 20-year-old, reveals his secrets

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Chuando Tan, the almost 60-year-old influencer who looks like a 20-year-old, reveals his secrets

Chuando Tan, born March 3, 1966 in Singapore, is a photographer and influencer who has captured global attention. At 58 years old, Chuando has surprised his followers with a physique that looks like that of a 20-year-old young man.

Her popularity on social media exploded when she began sharing images of her well-groomed body, reaching more than 1.7 million followers on Instagram.

The model and photographer learned to take care of his body from his modeling days in the 1980s. Food is paramount in his life, taking up 70% of his health regimen, while exercise represents 30%.

Chuando follows a strict diet that includes six hard-boiled eggs (without two yolks) for breakfast, along with milk, avocado and fruits. For lunch, he prefers chicken with rice and vegetables, accompanied by fish soup, avoiding coffee and tea in favor of water.

In addition to his diet, Chuando stays active with strength training four times a week and supplements with cardio and swimming.

Regarding skin care, in a conversation with CNA Lifestyle magazine, the influencer revealed that he regularly uses facial cleansing gel and moisturizing cream. Despite an unsatisfactory experience with Botox, he prefers more natural methods to maintain his appearance.

He also dyes his hair to hide gray hair and emphasizes the importance of a regular sleep schedule for adequate rest.

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Chuando Tan is not only a testament to the power of a healthy lifestyle, but also an inspiration to those seeking to maintain their youth through healthy habits.

His “You are what you eat” philosophy resonates with many, and his focus on diet and exercise continues to win fans around the world.

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