Home » Nicolás Dujovne reappeared and proposed bringing all retirements to age 68

Nicolás Dujovne reappeared and proposed bringing all retirements to age 68

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Nicolás Dujovne reappeared and proposed bringing all retirements to age 68

The former Minister of Economy Nicolas Dujovne He proposed significantly raising the retirement age to sustain the adjustment in State accounts. For him you have to take it at the age of 68three more than the current number in men and eight more in women.

“Argentina has to modify the retirement age, today it is 65 years for men and 60 for women. If we look at the life expectancy of women, it is higher than that of men. In the world, there are no countries that have a difference of five years“said the economist and former minister of Mauricio Macri.

Dujovne explained that in Argentina the retirement age has not been modified since 1993 “and from then until now life expectancy has increased by three years. Minimum would have to be 63 and 68, keeping everything the same, but I would unify at 68,” he proposed.

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Base Law: the Government seeks to replace the retirement moratorium with a “social plan”

“In the case of women, the maternity periods could probably be taken into account, in which there were also no contributions, to correct the retirement age. That would generate considerable savings and it must be done gradually,” said Dujovne at the NOA Economic Forum, organized by the Federalism and Freedom Foundation of Tucumán.

The Government’s proposal to replace the moratorium

The Base Law that will begin to be discussed in Congress starting this Monday, includes the repeal of the pension moratorium and the creation of a “social plan” aimed at those people who do not reach the necessary years of contributions.

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In its Title IXthe bill, with a majority opinion to be debated in the lower house, repeals Law 27,705, which creates the Pension Debt Payment Plan, to replace it with what it calls the Proportional Retirement Benefit.

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As specified, those who enter this universe of people will receive, from that age onwards, a minimum asset equivalent to the Universal Benefit for the Elderly (PUAM).

The amount represents 80% of the minimum retirementcurrently established at $260,141.60, considering the last bonus announced, and excludes the right to receive a widow’s pension.


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