Home » After a scuffle: A man suddenly stood in front of the bar in Windischgarsten with a machete and an ax

After a scuffle: A man suddenly stood in front of the bar in Windischgarsten with a machete and an ax

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After a scuffle: A man suddenly stood in front of the bar in Windischgarsten with a machete and an ax

An argument on Saturday night in and in front of a bar in Windischgarsten (Kirchdorf district) is likely to have escalated completely. After a scuffle apparently broke out between 6 to 7 people around 4 a.m., one of those involved, a 44-year-old Viennese, apparently pulled out a machete and an ax.

When the police arrived in front of the restaurant, they initially couldn’t find anyone. Through the statements of a witness it was determined that the man fled in his car. A search that was immediately initiated by several patrols was positive. The 44-year-old was arrested without resistance in his room at his accommodation in Windischgarsten at around 6 a.m. by a patrol from the rapid intervention group.

Man wanted to defend himself

The machete and ax were found in his vehicle and seized. Since the man with the two weapons did not appear to have injured or threatened anyone, he was released from custody after questioning. The 44-year-old stated that he would have wanted to defend himself in the event of a possible attack by an opponent.

Since he had also driven his vehicle while drunk, his driver’s license was temporarily revoked. He will be reported to the district administration and public prosecutor’s office.


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