Home » They highlight the capture of a subject who harassed a minor in San Miguel

They highlight the capture of a subject who harassed a minor in San Miguel

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They highlight the capture of a subject who harassed a minor in San Miguel

In a coordinated action between the security forces, the Minister of Defense, René Francis Merino Monroy, highlighted the capture of Maycon Erisondo Quintanilla Amador, alleged harasser of a minor in San Miguel.

The arrest occurred after a video went viral on social networks showing Quintanilla Amador harassing the young woman in the Satélite de San Miguel neighborhood. The quick response of the Armed Forces soldiers allowed the suspect to be located and taken into custody.

Minister Merino Monroy praised the diligence of the security forces and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to combating violence and harassment, especially when it affects the most vulnerable in society.

The captured subject was handed over to the National Civil Police (PNC) to face justice and answer for his actions. This arrest sends a clear message that harassment and violence will not be tolerated in El Salvador, and that those who commit these acts will face appropriate legal consequences.

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