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Abad: “Neither a crack nor a pendulous country, we need a model with development and social integration”

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Abad: “Neither a crack nor a pendulous country, we need a model with development and social integration”

With a message in which they demanded that the National Government expand the May Pact with the inclusion of education, social promotion and the fight against drug trafficking, legislators and radical leaders met this Saturday in Mar del Plataalso pointing out, already in the Buenos Aires area, “the lack of planning, the administrative disorder and the absence of changes in Kicillof management.” The head of the provincial UCR and national senator Maximiliano Abad was the host and main spokesperson for the ‘Meeting of Radical Legislators’, which was held in the halls of the Faculty of Law of the National University of Mar del Plata.

With the presence of the national deputies Karina Banfi and Fabio Quetglas; provincial legislators Ariel Bordaisco, Belen Malaisi, Diego Garciarena, Anahi Bilbao, Eugenia Gil, Alejandro Celillo, Pablo Domenichini, party leaders Erica Revilla, Carlos Fernandezthe Deputy Defender of the Province Patelo Honores and the participation of councilors and school counselors from all sections of the Province, university authorities and representatives of the Radical Youth, the Purple Strip and the Radical Workers Organization, the conclave ran throughout the day, had training spaces on good legislative practices, workshops for young people and university students and had a closing ceremony in which the UCR of the Province of Buenos Aires made a strong claim for the terminal situation that IOMA presents in the territory Buenos Aires

By sharing his reflections, Senator Abad vindicated the meaning of the meeting, advising all legislators to continue working on an agenda that provides solutions to citizen problems and to promote party action that can transcend current confrontations and be a guarantee of democracy with development and equal opportunities.

Erica Revilla, Abad, Carlos Fernández and Alberto Nuñez, at the radical meeting in Mar del Plata

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In a speech with a critical tone, Abad highlighted that “the pendular country cannot confuse us” indicating that “when the foam and messianism subside, rationality and social sensitivity will be the true drivers of transformation.”

“In the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex, in the diversification of the industry and in the generation of knowledge is the differential that will give the people of Buenos Aires and Argentines the quality of life they deserve,” he noted.

At the end of the meeting, various proposals were outlined to help improve the conflictive panorama experienced at the IOMA, in addition to regulations that support educational transformations, while serving as support for the citizen security agenda, another issue of crucial importance. for Buenos Aires residents. All these guidelines will be incorporated into the legislative work platforms, both at the provincial and national levels.

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