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«All hopes in the heart»

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«All hopes in the heart»

As soon as she heard the helicopter arriving she began to clap her hands together with the other inmates, such was the emotion of being able to meet the Pope. Also because she had the task of giving Francis a white skullcap made in the tailor shop of the Giudecca women’s prison . «I’m afraid of doing something wrong», she confided to those close to her, so much so that she was accompanied by Adriano Toniolo, responsible for the activities in the prison for the «Il Cerchio» cooperative. “It is with immense gratitude that the inmates of the tailoring workshop together with all the staff of the social cooperative give you this gift made with our hands”, he said, looking the pontiff in the eyes.

An exemplary journey

Manuela Cacco, the 61-year-old tobacconist from Padua sentenced to 16 years, is serving her sentence for complicity in the murder of Isabella Noventa (secretary of Albignasego whose body was never found) and has long had access from the Surveillance Court to the day job outside prison, precisely because of the correctness of his personal path. The date set for her final release would be February 9, 2031, but she could be released before that. In fact, she immediately collaborated with the investigators and her behavior as an inmate was exemplary. So much so that she has been able to enjoy bonus leave since last year and leave prison to work as a volunteer.

«Holy Father, carry our hopes in your heart»»

The woman chosen to deliver the skullcap that the inmates of the tailoring workshop had made in recent weeks with white fabric from the Vatican had difficulty holding back her emotion, so much so that in the end she burst into tears for the joy she had felt meeting Pope Francis up close. «Her unexpected visit fills us with joy. We ask you, Holy Father – he told the pontiff, acting as spokesperson for the workers of the tailoring workshop and all the staff of the social cooperative Il Cerchio who have been working in prison for almost thirty years – to carry our hopes with you in your heart. We assure you of our prayers for your high ministry and for your journey as your spiritual guide.”

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The handshake and the tears

Cacco, sitting on one of the benches in the front row, wore a black dress with a cross around the neck and a red coat. Hands clasped, she waited for the meeting with Francis and when her time came to help the Pope unwrap the skullcap, she read words of hope, finding the serene and smiling face of the pontiff before her. Then the handshake and her tears.

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