Home » “It is not a good decision”: Cristina Kirchner criticized the omnibus law, ahead of the debate in Deputies

“It is not a good decision”: Cristina Kirchner criticized the omnibus law, ahead of the debate in Deputies

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“It is not a good decision”: Cristina Kirchner criticized the omnibus law, ahead of the debate in Deputies

The former president Cristina Kirchner criticized the omnibus law today which will be debated this Monday in the Chamber of Deputies, when questioning the point in which it is established that The Executive cannot review dollarized contracts with renewable energy companies, which he related to the “astronomical growth” of electricity rates. “It is not a good decision to tie the president’s hands on such a delicate issue,” he alleged.

In her prohibits him from reviewing the dollarized contracts for the generation of renewable, thermal and water energy, the main cause of the astronomical increase in electricity ratesas we demonstrated yesterday in our talk in Quilmes,” he said in reference to the inauguration ceremony of the Néstor Kirchner microstadium, where he noted that the surplus that Javier Milei celebrated “has no basis.”

Cristina Kirchner considered that the regulations do not take into account “the exhausted pockets of Argentines”

It is not a good decision to tie the president’s hands on such a delicate issue that has such a negative impact on all activities of daily life.: industrial, commercial, neighborhood clubs, universities, and above all in the exhausted pockets of Argentines,” she highlighted. The former president indicated, regarding the Bases bill, that Title III on “contracts and transactional agreements” authorizes the Executive Branch, “for emergency reasons”, to terminate or modify public works contracts that have been celebrated prior to December 10, 2023.

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However, he pointed out that in the standard “Contracts signed under privatization processes are expressly excluded from the regime established in this law. authorized by law No. 23,696 and… (guess what too)… those contracts that have been signed within the framework of activity promotion regimesinvestment or production stimulus programs,” he failed.

Kicillof went to Quilmes, but he was in Siberia: Cristina did not name him or include him in the photos

The omnibus law reaches the Chamber of Deputies and the government is enthusiastic about the half-sanction

The Chamber of Deputies will begin tomorrow the debate on the new law on Bases and Starting Points that negotiated in its entirety with the dialogue blocs for more than a month, after the resounding failure of February in the Senators, and that will include the fiscal section. The start is scheduled for noon and will take place less than a month after the call for the May 25 Pact, led by Javier Milei.

The ruling party reached a majority consensus only last Wednesday after extensive rounds of negotiations that took place between the Casa Rosada and the National Congress. lThe session would extend to Tuesday and, possibly, also to Wednesday at dawn.

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The final version did not satisfy anyone except the ruling party, naturally, and the PRO. Despite this, Its general vote is guaranteed with a floor of 135 votes in favoras detailed Argentine News by parliamentary sources from La Libertad Avanza. They can hardly get the 150 voteswhich would be the roof.

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In the platoon of supports there are 38 votes from La Libertad Avanza, two from Buenos Aires Libre, three from the MID, three from Independencia, 37 from the PRO, at least 17 of the 22 from Hacemos Federal Coalition, at least 29 of the 35 radicals , the eight from Federal Innovation and one from Creo. The most diffuse and steep part will come later, in the vote in particularsince there are articles that hang by a thread and could fall if the ruling party does not adjust the pins until the last moment.

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