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The new look of Kevin James

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The new look of Kevin James

Got known Kevin James especially through his portrayal of Doug Heffernan in the sitcom “King of Queens” alongside Leah Reminiwhich ran from 1998 to 2007 on the US television network CBS and is still broadcast on international TV today.

Many people still remember James as he looked in his iconic role as Doug Heffernan. But the American actor has changed quite a bit since the series ended.

Kevin James is barely recognizable with a full beard

James has said goodbye to his clean-shaven look. The TV star has been going through life with a thick, full beard for some time now.

James appeared in public with a beard for the first time in 2019. He is also bald now.

Lost almost 30 kilos in just a few weeks

James has also lost weight since his time on King of Queens. In March he announced that he had lost over 27 kilograms in just six weeks.

As a guest on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the actor gave a wide-ranging interview that covered everything from his career to his own body. At one point in the conversation, he explained that while filming a new movie, he experienced dramatic weight loss, then weight gain, and finally even greater, rapid weight loss. The extreme weight loss method he describes is anything but a healthy approach.

James explained that he lost weight to play a priest in an untitled upcoming horror film. He initially lost weight to around 104 kilos. After filming, the comedian gained almost 60 kilograms until he finally reached a weight of 127 kilograms again. When more filming came around, he had to quickly lose weight again.

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“Water and some salt”: Dangerous diet

“I can do it very quickly [Gewicht] “I can fast and lose weight,” he said of his yo-yo dieting. “Seriously, I can lose the weight quickly. I can do it in a month. Less than a month.”

In this particular case, he fasted for weeks. But it wasn’t intermittent fasting – a method in which you limit the number of hours per day in which you can eat food. Instead, James lived on just “water and a little salt” for about six weeks.

“If I focus on it, I can do it,” he said. “I started fasting, I didn’t say ‘I’m going to fast for 40 days’, I just said ‘I’m going to do what I can'” – which doesn’t mean the actor’s body can easily tolerate the flash diet has.

“I was feeling pretty good for a while, and then I had these dips, like, ‘Wow, I feel pretty miserable,'” he confessed.

He ended up losing all the weight he originally lost for the film and then some. “I lost about 60 pounds, I think,” he said. “I didn’t even take vitamins. It washed everything out of me.”

However, James advises against following his diet: “I’m not saying that this is the right path for everyone.”

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