Home » Net neutrality, because the FTC’s choice is important for the internet

Net neutrality, because the FTC’s choice is important for the internet

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Net neutrality, because the FTC’s choice is important for the internet

The Federal Trade Commission recently voted in favor of reinstatement of “net neutrality” rules – the net neutralityed. – in the United States, a passage that sparked widespread discussion on the importance of this principle for users’ online experience.

What changes with the FTC’s choice?

This choice meant a return to the 2015 rules that prevent Internet service providers from favoring some sites and applications over others.

Net neutrality requires Internet service providers to treat all online traffic equally, eliminating any form of discrimination. This means that they cannot favor their business partners or hinder their competitors, thus ensuring an equal level of service for all users.

This principle – to summarize it in a few words – is fundamental to preserving an open Internet accessible to all without discrimination.

The reintroduction of net neutrality rules has been welcomed by numerous activist groups and associations, who see this decision as a victory for users and online freedom. In short, a return to the roots of the internet.

The same Jessica Rosenworcel, leading the FCC, emphasized that Internet connectivity has become an essential necessity in modern society, especially after the experience of the pandemic. This rollback of net neutrality rules aims to ensure that all users can access an open and neutral Internet, without risking discrimination or having their access to certain online services slowed down.

However, not everyone sees this decision positively. American telco lobbies, for example, oppose the reinstatement of net neutrality rules, arguing that these rules represent unnecessary government interference in the market and in operators’ commercial decisions. A choice – it is worth remembering – that differs greatly from fcopper legislative and cultural with which European telcos operate.

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For this reason, in the United States, supporters of net neutrality believe that these rules are essential to protect the interests of users and ensure a fair and open Internet for all.

In conclusion, reinstating net neutrality rules in the US could represent an important step forward in defending online freedom and ensuring fair and neutral access to the Internet for all users.

This principle, fundamental to preserving an open and accessible Internet – at least in the opinion of this editorial team, therefore questionable – deserves to be defended and supported by all those who believe in the importance of freedom and fairness online.

Photos on Pixabay and Pexels

[Hanno collaborato A. Trapani e altri]

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