Home Ā» Unforgettable breakfasts and snacks: Florentine puff pastries, the dessert that will make you fall in love | The recipe – Younipa

Unforgettable breakfasts and snacks: Florentine puff pastries, the dessert that will make you fall in love | The recipe – Younipa

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Unforgettable breakfasts and snacks: Florentine puff pastries, the dessert that will make you fall in love |  The recipe – Younipa

Recipe for Florentine Sfogliatine, a Tuscan dessert to enjoy for breakfast or as a snack, here is the real recipe.

Florentine puff pastries ā€“ Source: Web editorial team

Find out how to prepare them at home Florentine puff pastries, a delicious dessert typical of Florence that enriches the windows of bars and pastry shops throughout Tuscany. This recipe will allow you to bring a touch of sweetness and Italian tradition into your kitchen, ideal for starting the day with energy or as a delicious snack.

Ingredients needed for Florentine Sfogliatine

2 rolls of rectangular puff pastry: Crispy and versatile base
260 g of apricot jam: For a sweet and fruity filling
Caster sugar: For a sweet and crunchy finish
1 album: For brushing and obtaining perfect browning

Step by Step Procedure

Preparation of the sheets: Start by brushing one of the puff pastry sheets with egg white and sprinkle it generously with granulated sugar. Overlap the other sheet and press lightly to make the two layers adhere well.
Roll formation: Brush the top surface with more egg white and a new sprinkling of granulated sugar. Roll up the sheets starting from the shortest side, forming a tight roll. Wrap the roll in baking paper or cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for at least an hour.
Cutting and Stuffing: Once firm, cut the roll into rounds and roll out each disc with a rolling pin. In the center of each disc, add a spoonful of apricot jam. Brush the edges with a little water and fold like a book.
Cooking: Brush the surface of the puff pastries with the remaining egg white and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and cook in a preheated oven at 180Ā°C for about 25 minutes, until they become golden and crispy.

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Tips for a Perfect Florentine Sfogliatina

To obtain even more delicious Florentine puff pastries, make sure you use high quality ingredients and carefully follow the resting times in the refrigerator. This step is crucial to ensure that the cake holds its shape during cooking.

The Florentine puff pastries they are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to explore the traditional flavors of Tuscany right at home. Experiment with different jams to vary the taste and personalize this classic Italian recipe.

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