Home » Bart De Wever is fully committed to tax cuts at the N-VA election conference: “They are fools who work”

Bart De Wever is fully committed to tax cuts at the N-VA election conference: “They are fools who work”

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“Done with Vivaldi, done with squeezing and laughing at the hardworking Flemish, done with governing without a Flemish majority.” With a fiery speech, Bart De Wever fired up his troops, 42 days from the elections, in the Capitole in Ghent. The N-VA has also finalized its election manifesto.

Source: BELGA

Yesterday at 12:14

De Wever emphatically steers his troops away from the theme of migration, which is the focus of the biggest competitor on the right, Vlaams Belang. Flemish themes are also snowed under. It should be about the country’s budgetary situation and a reduction in taxes. The election conference therefore started with a video report in which people complain about the high costs, supported by an analysis by Herman Matthijs, professor of Economics at Ghent University. De Wever only had to head it in moments later. “No one taxes higher than the working people in this country. No one in the world! The hard-working Flemish is head and shoulders the most plumed chicken of all.”

The N-VA is reinventing itself as the party against taxes. “So where does all that money actually go? Well, the Vivaldi policy has organized a huge transfer from working people to non-working people, not coincidentally the largest voter group of the Parti Socialiste.” De Wever quoted a Flemish classic: “Juul Kabas has never sounded louder: they are fools who work. Nowhere in the entire developed world is the difference between working and not working financially smaller than here.”

De Wever also made it clear that a vote for Vlaams Belang is a hidden vote for a continuation of Vivaldi, since that party does not play a federal role. “There are actually only three choices. Choose a Vivaldi party and you get the main road to Vivaldi 2. Choose an extreme party and you get the detour to Vivaldi 2. Choose the N-VA and you get a much-needed change.”

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He once again reiterated his bid for the premiership. “If the N-VA receives a strong mandate from the Flemish voter, the N-VA will participate in governance. Then I will be a candidate to lead the next federal government myself.”

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