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Breaking news on Gaza and pro-Palestine protests at US universities, live: news and more

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Breaking news on Gaza and pro-Palestine protests at US universities, live: news and more

In recent weeks, university campuses across the United States have become the epicenter of pro-Palestinian protests, with demands for divestment from Israel becoming a common theme among demonstrators.

The call for divestment is a key component of the protests, as students and supporters urge their universities to cut ties with companies linked to Israel. This includes tech giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet, who have business connections with the country.

The movement has gained momentum at various campuses, with activists chanting slogans like “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest” at universities such as Columbia, Cornell, and Yale. The protests are fueled by opposition to Israel’s military actions in Gaza and seek to pressure academic institutions to take a stand against the Israeli government.

However, the issue of divestment is complex and has historical implications. While some universities have divested in the past from companies involved in controversial activities, many have been hesitant to take such a step when it comes to Israel.

For example, Columbia University’s student coalition, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, is calling for the university to divest its $13.6 billion endowment from any companies linked to Israel. This includes not only tech companies but also weapons manufacturers.

The protests have sparked a debate on college campuses about the role of universities in social and political issues, as well as the moral obligations of academic institutions when it comes to their investments.

As the protests continue to gain momentum, the question of whether universities will heed the calls for divestment from Israel remains unanswered. The students are determined to make their voices heard and push for change, but the outcome of their efforts remains uncertain.

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For now, the protests serve as a reminder that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a contentious issue that resonates deeply with students and communities across the United States. The call for divestment is just one aspect of a larger movement seeking justice and accountability for all parties involved.

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