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Global Datathon to address and mitigate bias

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Global Datathon to address and mitigate bias

Theodora AI together with Women in Technology present the Global Datathon, which will be held online from May 16 to 19, with the aim of creating the largest set of data to identify and mitigate biases in artificial intelligence.

The Anti-Bias Challenge is open to people of any nationality and residence, and offers a unique opportunity for global participation in building inclusive solutions.


Technology. Gender biases in artificial intelligence: a reflection of society that promises to amplify

What are biases?

A bias is an unfair systematic tendency or inclination for or against something or someone. It is a common problem in technology, which can reinforce stereotypes and lead to discrimination. The Anti-Bias Challenge seeks to address this issue, encouraging the creation of more unbiased algorithms and models.

How to participate in the event?

Participation can be individual or in teams of up to four people, who will be challenged to create “datasets” that record biases related to gender, age, religion, ethnicity, race, disability and other personal and physical characteristics. This data will play a crucial role in developing more equitable and fair AI.

The Anti-Bias Challenge is a multidisciplinary initiative that seeks to combine perspectives and knowledge from different disciplines, such as Political Science, Law, Architecture, Journalism, Biology, Sociology, Linguistics, Data Science, Anthropology, Psychology, among other careers and professions. The goal is to enrich the process of identifying and correcting biases, facilitating deeper analysis and a more complete understanding of the data.

Registration is open through the form available on the Theodora AI website. Interested parties can find more information and register at https://www.antibiastheodora.com

Participating in this challenge serves to contribute to a more equitable and fair future for all people. Additionally, there are $100,000 in major prizes consisting of cash, credits from technology companies to use on digital platforms, virtual reality glasses and other technology products.

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This is an event co-organized by Theodora AI and Women in Technology; with the support of our media partner La Voz del Interior.

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