Home » Sport, Narve Gilje Nordås | Gjert Ingebrigtsen shares text on Instagram

Sport, Narve Gilje Nordås | Gjert Ingebrigtsen shares text on Instagram

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Sport, Narve Gilje Nordås |  Gjert Ingebrigtsen shares text on Instagram

(The online newspaper) The day after Gjert Ingebrigtsen was charged with abuse in close relationships, the athletics coach shares a text on Instagram.

The text is taken from the Andra Day song “Rise up” from 2015, and the song itself is also played together with the post, where Ingebrigtsen indicates that he wants to rise again.

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The song was, among other things, frequently used during the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States in 2021.

Gjert Ingebrigtsen is accused of violating section 282 of the Criminal Code, which applies to abuse in close relationships, against one of the victims in the case.

The indictment describes threats, coercion, violence, restricted freedom of movement and other forms of violations between 2018 and 2022.

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According to the indictment, the victim was, among other things, punched in the face and threatened with “I’ll fuck you, I’ll take you” or the like.

Ingebrigtsen has not commented on the indictment, but his defender, John Christian Elden, says his client disagrees with the presentation.

– We do not want to pre-process the case in public. The case is naturally a burden for all concerned, and it is therefore requested that the family now rest in peace. We will return to the matter in court, where it belongs, Elden has stated.

It was in October last year that the accusations of violence reached the public for the first time, when the three runaway sons Henrik, Filip and Jakob published an article in VG.

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