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Mara Maionchi and the disease: “They found my tumor by chance” / How are you today?

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Mara Maionchi and the disease: “They found my tumor by chance” / How are you today?

Mara Maionchi and the discovery of the disease: “during a routine visit”

The fame of Mara Maionchi it is known to everyone. Record producer and television personality, the roaring Mara had to deal with a terrible disease at the age of 75: cancer. In fact, during a check-up, Maionchi discovered that she had a tumor. A discovery that turned her life upside down, even though Maionchi faced the evil of the century with strength, determination and courage. She did not hide, on the contrary she spoke openly about her illness, finding comfort in her family, in the public and in music. Maionchi herself, speaking about the discovery of her illness from the pages of Il Messaggero, declared: “they found my tumor by chance, because I had the routine visit. Prevention is essential: a mammogram once a year should always be done. At any age. We need to plan ahead.”

Mara Maionchi after the illness: how is she?

Mara Maionchi after an initial moment of confusion, he fought against the disease and managed to defeat it even if he still remembers well when he received the diagnosis. “When they tell you that you have a tumor it hits you hard” – declared Maionchi who took a couple of days to recover from the news. Then she reacted and acted, specifying: “afterwards everything becomes simpler. And after the operation you are reassured.”

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Today Maionchi is doing well. The tumor was eliminated even though he has to undergo checks from time to time: “I had a test recently, let’s move on. But you know, at 81 you worry about other things.”


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