Home » 18 DIY ideas made from different materials that you can try

18 DIY ideas made from different materials that you can try

by admin

Updated April 28, 2024

Cucumbers are relatively easy to grow but can take up a lot of space in your garden. You can use a trellis or support to guide the cucumber plants upwards, allowing you to harvest more cucumbers in less space. In this article we present some simple ideas on how you can build a trellis for cucumbers yourself and thereby optimize the yields in your kitchen garden.


In principle, not all cucumbers need a climbing aid. Some species, such as outdoor cucumbers, grow well on the ground, although they can also climb. Nevertheless, a trellis is always useful to prevent fungal diseases and fruit rot. As cucumber plants grow taller, their leaves dry more quickly and are less susceptible to mildew and pests. But that’s not the only advantage. With the help of the trellis, vegetables can be grown to save space. This means a good yield is possible even with limited space. In addition, harvesting is certainly easier and more pleasant while standing.

No matter which variety you grow in your garden, we have collected the best DIY ideas for cucumber trellises here that are easy to build and will help you with your gardening.

A vertical fence can serve as a climbing aid

1. The wooden fence as a climbing aid for cucumbers

Perhaps the easiest way to grow cucumbers vertically is to grow them up an existing fence or to build a new fence that can also double as a trellis.

2. Grow cucumbers on the chain link fence

Growing cucumbers or other climbing plants up a chain link fence will also make it much more attractive during the growing season. And you have more space on your property.

3. Build your own cucumber trellis from branches and twigs

A chain link fence is ideal as a cucumber trellis, but other simple fences such as pallets, scrap wood, mesh, etc. can also serve as a support for cucumber plants.

DIY trellis for cucumbers made from bamboo

4. Build an A-frame trellis using bamboo sticks and jute twine

Bamboo sticks are light and very stable at the same time. They are easy to work with, making them a popular material for garden espaliers. You can build this A-frame trellis very easily: Tie a few cords (e.g. jute) around the frame and weave them in.

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Simple DIY idea for a trellis on the fence or house wall

5. Construction made of bamboo sticks and rope on the house wall

If you have a sunny, south-facing wall or flat fence, you can also place containers, planters or a raised bed there to grow cucumbers. You can then attach a trellis made of various materials to this existing structure.

6. DIY cucumber trellis made from hooks and strings

For example, you could set hooks at the top of the wall or fence and pull the cucumbers up on strings attached to these hooks and secured to the ground.

Alternatively, you can make a structure out of bamboo or natural branches from your garden and attach it to the wall or fence.

You can also attach (or lean) any other simple trellis to a suitable wall or fence. So there are many easy and inexpensive options you can consider.

Of course, you could also buy a ready-made trellis for this purpose. But it’s so easy and affordable to build your own cucumber trellis that purchasing a custom-made trellis isn’t usually necessary. Before you buy, consider what natural or recycled materials you can use.

Build your own cucumber trellis from pallets

7. Lean a pallet against two posts and use it as a climbing aid for cucumbers

Speaking of reused wood, you might not have to build much at all. Another simple trellis idea is to use a wooden pallet that is simply propped up on two posts. This simple and easy-to-implement idea is perfect for growing cucumbers in a small raised bed and costs almost nothing.

Build a free-standing trellis for cucumbers

8. DIY cucumber trellis made from structural steel mesh

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Of course, you don’t necessarily have to have a wall or fence to build a trellis. There are a number of options for a DIY vertical, freestanding trellis for your garden. And there are a large number of natural or recycled materials you can use for this.

9. Simple and sturdy wooden trellis

An A-frame structure is also a good idea for a cucumber trellis that is sturdy enough to support multiple plants.

A-frame structures can be made from a number of different materials. Often a simple A-frame is made from scrap wood, branches, logs or bamboo. The sides of the A-frame can then be fitted with nets, dowels or strings for the cucumbers to climb.

10. DIY trellis with rabbit wire

They build a free-standing scaffold and fill the open space with bunny wire. The cucumbers will grow through the wires, giving them support while also helping your garden look tidier.

Building a cone frame for cucumber plants

11. Build a climbing aid for cucumbers out of wooden sticks and string

Another good variant for self-made trellises are conical scaffolding. They offer space for multiple plants and can be built at any height. All you need are some wooden sticks, stick the bottom ends deep into the ground and tie the top ones together. Then stretch some string between the sticks for the plants to hang on.

12. The Tipi Tent Cucumber trellis made from branches

You can also build the trellis from branches and in the shape of a teepee tent. Instead of string, thin wire can also be stretched between the branches. Tent-shaped trellises are similar to the A-framed varieties. However, these do not necessarily have to have a stable frame.

Build a structure out of PVC pipes

13. Cool PVC pipe trellis

Another idea is to build a more elaborate support structure out of PVC pipe. This creates a stable structure that looks a bit like a large tent.

DIY trellises made from posts and string

14. Tie string between posts to help cucumbers climb

Here is a simple trellis idea that can be built with a few wooden poles or stakes and horizontal strings. It is also suitable for taller vegetable crops such as beans and tomatoes. You can use jute or nylon twine, which is very durable for outdoor use.

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Upcycling trellis for cucumbers

15. Use a ladder as a trellis

If you want to keep it simple, you can build a trellis out of an old stepladder. If an old ladder is not available, you can also build a simple ladder-like trellis. For example, you can use bamboo canes, branches or scrap wood.

Use classic solutions

16. Attach a trellis net

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions. The climbing net, for example, is the classic solution for plants that need climbing support. It is made of plastic mesh and often goes unnoticed thanks to its green color. For fastening you can, for example, use two posts between which you stretch the net. The posts are attached to the ground with ground anchors and the net is best tensioned using fastening rings or cable ties.

17. Build a simple climbing aid for cucumbers out of wooden strips

If you have a few wooden strips left over, you can also use them to build a trellis. All you need is a few nails and a hammer. This solution is perfect for outdoor use as well as for raised beds and containers.

DIY arched trellis for raised beds

18. Build a trellis arch for the raised bed out of wire

Such a climbing arch is a great way to support climbing plants like cucumbers to grow higher. The easiest way to build it between two raised beds is to anchor four stakes in the nearby corners and attach a wire mesh to them in an arch. In midsummer, when the plants are fully grown, the planted arch also looks very decorative.

Also read: Good neighbors for cucumbers in the greenhouse: Choose the right planting partners!

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