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Diabetes mellitus: New developments towards diabetes prevention

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Diabetes mellitus: New developments towards diabetes prevention

Bioresonanz editorial team reports on a new method for the early detection of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus: News on the way to diabetes prevention / editorial team bioresonanz-zukunft.de

Lindenberg, April 30, 2024. Diabetes mellitus often remains undetected for a long time because the disease is often difficult to detect early on. Researchers are therefore looking for new methods to identify diabetes at an early stage. The Bioresonanz editorial team explains how the Ruhr University Bochum achieved this and what is still important.

New method aims to help detect diabetes mellitus early

A research group at the Ruhr University Bochum has developed a mathematical method called SPINA Carb to diagnose early-stage diabetes safely and cost-effectively. Conventional diagnostic methods are often complex and inaccurate. The new method is based on the analysis of just two blood values: insulin and glucose. Computer simulations and studies with test subjects from the USA, Germany and India showed that the method is more reliable than other markers of glucose metabolism. The researchers emphasize the precision, reliability and cost-effective applicability of the method, which could enable early detection of diabetes. (Source: Calculate diabetes easily and safely early, Ruhr University Bochum, Science Information Service (idw))

Classification of the bioresonance experts from a holistic perspective

The users of bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt are also committed to counteracting the risk of diabetes mellitus as early as possible in order to counteract serious damage to the organism. Such tests are therefore to be welcomed in order to gain information about the possible risk at an early stage.

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The aim of the bioresonance experts is to energetically support those regulatory systems that experience has shown to be associated with diabetes. For this purpose, bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt has a comprehensive test protocol with a variety of influencing factors that are suspected of promoting diabetes mellitus.

The Bioresonanz editorial team explained what a treatment approach could look like in an article in the Bioresonanz magazine: Questions and answers about the treatment approach for diabetes mellitus.

Important note: Bioresonance belongs to the field of empirical medicine. Classical medicine has neither accepted nor recognized the effect of bioenergetic vibrations.

The editorial team at www.bioresonanz-zukunft.de regularly publishes current information about bioresonance. From the background to the possible applications, with numerous reports directly from the practicing practices. But also about advances in science.

bioresonanz-zukunft, M+V Medien- und Verlagsservice Germany UG (limited liability)
Michael Petersen
Ried 1e
88161 Lindenberg

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