Home » Protests continue in US universities: 15 people injured in clashes at UCLA

Protests continue in US universities: 15 people injured in clashes at UCLA

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Protests continue in US universities: 15 people injured in clashes at UCLA

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Protests continue in US universities with various universities involved in demonstrations in support of the Palestinian cause and against Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip. Law enforcement officers in riot gear on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) ordered the dispersion of over a thousand people who gathered in support of the pro-Palestinian protest by students of the University, warning via loudspeakers that anyone who refused to leave could be arrested. A large crowd of students, alumni and others gathered on the campus steps outside the area where tents were set up, and sat to listen to various speakers, later joining in chants of support for the Palestinian cause. According to camera footage, some students distributed glasses and helmets, as well as set up medical aid stations. A small group of students holding signs and T-shirts supporting Israel and the Jewish people gathered nearby. At least 15 people were injured following clashes during the protest that “turned violent”, according to the president of the university, Michael Drake, as reported by the US media.

The police in Columbia

The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) had announced the cancellation of classes following clashes that had occurred the previous night between demonstrators on campus, after pro-Israel demonstrators had tried to knock down the barricades surrounding a pro-Israel encampment. Palestinian. After a couple of hours of scuffles between demonstrators at UCLA, the police with helmets and face shields had slowly separated the groups and calmed the violence and calm had returned by daybreak. A few hours earlier, police had raided a Columbia University building occupied by anti-war protesters, interrupting a demonstration that had paralyzed the campus.

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Scuffles also occurred in Texas and Arizona

At least 19 people were arrested yesterday afternoon at the University of Texas in Dallas, after law enforcement cleared out a camp of pro-Palestinian protesters: the Guardian reports, citing a local news channel. According to the latter, it is not clear whether all those arrested were students. The Arizona Police fired rubber and pepper bullets yesterday afternoon at demonstrators at the University of Arizona during protests by pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups: this was announced by the president of the university, Robert Robbins, as reported CNN. The police made “minimal use” of pepper bullets, rubber bullets and wore tactical security equipment “to disperse the crowd… they had no choice but to take significant measures” in the face of the “dangerous actions” by hundreds of protesters, Robbins said in a statement.

Arrests in New Hampshire

And numerous arrests were also made during a pro-Palestinian protest at Dartmouth College in the US state of New Hampshire. CNN reports it, citing the Wmur television station. Police reportedly moved protesters away from the crowd gathered on Dartmouth Green and restrained them with zip ties. Police were deployed to the University of New Hampshire and Dartmouth College due to “illegal activity and at the request of local law enforcement,” the New Hampshire Department of Safety told CNN. “All individuals taken into custody are being processed by the University of New Hampshire Police Department and the Hanover Police Department,” said Tyler Dumont, spokesman for the New Hampshire Department of Safety. The University of New Hampshire told CNN that students have peacefully protested on campus at least seven times in the past six months.

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