Home » How to find out if you suffer from anxiety with your smartphone: the hidden test that reveals your health status

How to find out if you suffer from anxiety with your smartphone: the hidden test that reveals your health status

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How to find out if you suffer from anxiety with your smartphone: the hidden test that reveals your health status

Are you feeling anxious and want to find out if you suffer from anxiety? Well, it turns out that you can now do a hidden test on your smartphone to determine your mental health status. In recent years, big tech companies and smartphone manufacturers have been increasingly focusing on the health of their consumers, including mental health.

One way this is being addressed is through hidden tests and tools on smartphones. For iPhone users, there is a hidden test in the Health app that can help determine if you suffer from anxiety. By answering a series of questions in the “Risk of anxiety” section, iOS can calculate your level of anxiety and provide you with valuable insights on how to take care of your mental health.

While this hidden test can give you an idea of your anxiety levels, it is always best to seek help from a professional for more in-depth answers and support. Mental health is an important aspect of overall well-being, and it’s great to see technology being used to help users better understand and address their mental health needs.

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