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There may be two Fallout projects in development – Fallout 5 – Gamereactor

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There may be two Fallout projects in development – Fallout 5 – Gamereactor

Bethesda’s Todd Howard Teases Two Fallout Projects in the Works

Bethesda veteran Todd Howard, known for his work on some of the studio’s biggest games over the past 22 years, recently appeared on the Kinda Funny Gamescast to discuss the future of the Fallout franchise. With the recent success of the Fallout TV series, fans are eager for a new game in the series.

In a somewhat cryptic statement, Howard hinted at the possibility of two Fallout projects currently in development. He stated, “I can’t reveal it right now, but this is our runway for Fallout: Season 2 (of the show) is happening; what we do on mobile, what we do in ’76, what we do with this thing, what we What to do with the other thing, when are these going to land? Again, if I could snap my fingers and get them all ready, I would, but the main thing is, how do we deliver this at a high quality level? Always the most important thing.”

Despite the mystery surrounding the upcoming projects, Howard made it clear that the series will continue to be set in the United States. He stated, “My point is that part of Fallout is about American naivety. It’s OK for us now to acknowledge some other areas, but our plan is to keep it primarily American.”

Howard also took the opportunity to praise the critically acclaimed Fallout: New Vegas, developed by Obsidian Entertainment. He commended the team for their work on the game and acknowledged its importance to both Bethesda and the fans.

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When asked about the multiple endings of Fallout: New Vegas, Howard admitted that Bethesda likes to avoid addressing them directly. However, he confirmed that at least part of Season 2 of the Fallout TV series will be set in New Vegas, and the team is working carefully to maintain the key events and great content of the game without contradicting players’ individual experiences and choices.

As fans eagerly await more information on the upcoming Fallout projects, Howard’s remarks have certainly sparked excitement and speculation within the gaming community. Stay tuned for more updates on the future of the Fallout franchise.

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