Home » Airin Gets Directions from Airlangga to Build a Coalition with PKB to Advance the Banten Gubernatorial Election

Airin Gets Directions from Airlangga to Build a Coalition with PKB to Advance the Banten Gubernatorial Election

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Airin Gets Directions from Airlangga to Build a Coalition with PKB to Advance the Banten Gubernatorial Election


Airin Rachmi Diany registered to advance in the competition 2024 regional elections as a candidate for Governor of Banten. One of the parties that Airin visited to register was PKB.

Airin also admitted that he had received permission from the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto. He revealed that he received direct direction from Airlangga to build a coalition.

“What is certain is that I report and deliver and this is a form of assignment. So yesterday the assignment letter was not only to run for regional elections but also to build coalitions, relationships, with parties in each province, district and city,” said Airin after a political discussion with PKB at the Grand Sahid Jaya hotel, South Jakarta, Thursday (2/5/2024).



Airin also admitted that he received direct direction from the PKB Chairman, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin. He also met with the management of the DPP PKB.

“What is certain is that we gathered earlier, received guidance from Cak Imin and also met team 9, namely the extended family of the DPP PKB administrators, namely Mr. Jazilul, Mr. Secretary General, Mrs. Minister of Manpower, Mrs. Ida,” he said.

Airin admitted that the direction given by Cak Imin was more about if he was elected Governor of Banten. He revealed that one of the points conveyed by Cak Imin was regarding the 8 agenda for changes to the PKB which had also been submitted to the President-elect, Prabowo Subianto.

“There are several deposits for the future, God willing, if Allah allows us to become regional heads in the regions. Absolutely (8 agendas for changes to the PKB). What is certain is that the conclusion is more or less how development becomes a sustainable development process,” said Airin.

“Both in environmental issues such as nature and also equitable development in the economic sector as well as innovation and certainly opening up the widest possible access for our young people in order to face the demographic bonus that, God willing, will be a golden Indonesia 2030-2045,” he continued.

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He said that so far Golkar has 14 DPRD seats. So, additional seats are needed in coalition with PKB.

“We only have 14 seats in Banten. So it’s impossible for us to work alone, we have to work together of course and this is a good relationship,” he concluded.


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