Home » Hidden tragedy at Banco de news: worker collapsed and died after being left without help for 23 minutes

Hidden tragedy at Banco de news: worker collapsed and died after being left without help for 23 minutes

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Hidden tragedy at Banco de news: worker collapsed and died after being left without help for 23 minutes

A worker from the security company Prosegur collapsed on February 19 at the main headquarters of the Banco de news, in San Borja, but did not receive adequate assistance and died days later in a hospital due to complications related to the incident, according to a report. broadcast this Thursday by Latina Noticias.

The television station, which has made public the images from the premises’ cameras almost two months after the event, pointed out that the case tried to remain secret. Neither Prosegur nor the relatives of the victim, identified as Marcel Héctor del Carpio Salas (40), have commented on the matter.

The graphic record shows that the operator entered his office at 6:53 am, and just seconds later, he collapsed on his desk. A co-worker attempted to provide assistance and, using a radio, requested the assistance of another colleague in the adjacent office. However, the situation did not improve with the subsequent arrival of two security agents.

Meanwhile, another member of the security team grabbed a first aid kit for alcohol, in an attempt to offer first aid. Upon being informed about the emergency, the supervisor of the bank’s control center, Jean Lazo Salcedo, went to the scene. However, his first action was to check the security footage instead of immediately treating the victim.

Ten minutes later, Lazo instructed that the worker be placed on the ground.

At 7:04 a.m., someone arrived with a stretcher, but the worker’s body remained on the ground for another 14 minutes. Finally, after 23 critical minutes, as recorded by the television station, the worker was transferred to the EsSalud hospital in Angamos, not in an ambulance, but in an employee’s car.

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Five days later, he died from brain complications resulting from the incident. Carlos Carcausto, a specialist in resuscitation techniques, considered that there was no quick intervention in the medical emergency. “Resuscitation must be carried out within five to ten seconds. So, roughly speaking, a patient in that position is unemployed,” he said.

He also stressed that speed in the response is not only a matter of protocol, but a race against time to save lives. “From the three to five minutes that you do not receive assistance, the brain begins to have irreversible damage, this limit has already been far exceeded. With 20 minutes, for doctors and those who work in emergencies we already consider it a very bad prognosis,” he noted.

Banco de news offers loans. (Photo: Andina)

Through a statement, Banco de news stated that the incident lasted 18 minutes and that, during the event, no employee of the entity was present, despite the fact that the security video shows one of its supervisors on scene. .

According to the regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Law, first aid corresponds to the emergency protocols applied to accidents or occupational diseases. In the country, the law establishes the obligation to provide aid and penalizes the omission of assistance or notification to the authorities with possible prison sentences or fines.

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