Home » “We should not assume the representation that the people ask for a reform of the constitution, no one has asked them, and when have they asked the people if they want a new constitution”

“We should not assume the representation that the people ask for a reform of the constitution, no one has asked them, and when have they asked the people if they want a new constitution”

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“We should not assume the representation that the people ask for a reform of the constitution, no one has asked them, and when have they asked the people if they want a new constitution”

This Thursday in the Encuentro interview with Julio Villagrán, lawyer Enrique Anaya spoke about the reform of article 248 of the Constitution of the Republic, in which he recalled that any reform proposal must be proposed before the elections, so that it is the population who decides whether to support a reform.

We must not assume the representation that the people ask for a reform of the constitution, no one has asked them, and when have they asked the people if they want a new constitution? points out the lawyer.

The lawyer indicated that this is not the time to make constitutional reforms, and that this step taken by the Legislative Assembly is unconstitutional, but that no one should raise their voice, because the corresponding institutions are in favor of Nayib Bukele.

This first step to approve the reform is of course unconstitutional and could be declared as such, to be honest there is no constitutional chamber or constitutional court, there are 5 usurpers who are obedient to Bukele” Enrique Anaya mentions.

For Anaya, changing the daily lives of Salvadorans is a challenge and what is needed are good laws and public policies that are well financed and executed, but the current government has spent the last 5 years blaming the past. of everything bad and does not admit his own failures, highlighting that if someone points it out he is seen as the enemy, this being the reason for people’s fear of expressing what they think of the current government.

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It is the fear of a regime in which if you speak out against the government, the majority of people are afraid and it is seen in the survey carried out by the UCA where it says that almost 70% of people were more careful when expressing themselves about the government. government because they were afraid” Anaya highlights.

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