Home » “75 Soft Challenge”: Simple method gets you fit – even without hard training

“75 Soft Challenge”: Simple method gets you fit – even without hard training

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“75 Soft Challenge”: Simple method gets you fit – even without hard training

It is the relaxed opposite of the “75 Hard Challenge”: The “75 Soft Challenge” will get you fit even without strict rules. Read how the method works here.

The hashtag #75HardChallenge, or #75Hard for short, is used millions of times on social media, especially on TikTok.

The challenge was created by podcaster and entrepreneur Andy Frisella.

It’s about a health challenge in which strict rules are adhered to for over 75 days. If you break the rule, you have to start all over again – pretty hard.

This extremely strict approach is by no means for everyone – and this is where its opposite comes into play: the “75 Soft Challenge”.

These are the rules of the “75 Soft Challenge”

The “75 Soft Challenge” should be more realistic and can also be integrated into a hectic everyday life.

Eat healthy 90 percent of the time. Complete a 30-minute workout 4 times per week. Take photos of yourself on Day 1 and Day 75. Drink enough water. Meditate for five minutes every day. Read or listen to something about personal development for 10 minutes every day.

In contrast to the “75 Hard Challenge”, it is allowed to make changes to the program. The rules are simply there to provide a structure for everyday life in order to develop good habits.

If you can’t follow the rules one day, just try to get back into your routine the next day.

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