Home » Paid parking begins in Villa María: changes, details and exemptions

Paid parking begins in Villa María: changes, details and exemptions

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Paid parking begins in Villa María: changes, details and exemptions

After one month trialthe paid parking system begins to operate in Villa María.

Initially, it was planned to be used by both cars and motorcycles. The motorcycle drivers rejected the measure, which led the municipality to reverse the decision.

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The area where the rate applies covers Salta and San Luis streets, Rucci-Mariano Moreno and España-Alvear boulevards, on both sides, with opening hours. Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 20:00.

To use paid parking, you must download the app “Villa Maria City” on the cell phone. The cost of the hourly rate is $360 through the application. Alternatively, you can use the physical prepaid system at charging pointswhere $450 is charged per full hour.

The application was developed by students and teachers of the Technological University of Villa María.

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Exemptions apply to firefighters, security forces and emergencies; front members, people with disabilities and the press, with vehicles registered in Villa María.

Furthermore, it was announced that the 10% of the proceeds will go to volunteer firefighters, while there will be additional percentages for various civil associations. Another remainder will be used to subsidize urban transportation in the city.

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