Home » Close the Darién, the speech that sneaks into the elections in Panama – El Nacional

Close the Darién, the speech that sneaks into the elections in Panama – El Nacional

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In a recent speech, the President of Costa Rica, acknowledged the challenges ahead in closing the infamous Darién Jungle to migrants, a topic that has sneaked into the upcoming elections in Panama.

The Darién Jungle, a dense and dangerous wilderness that spans the border between Panama and Colombia, has long been a key transit point for migrants seeking to reach North America. The closure of this treacherous route has become a pressing issue, with both countries grappling with the influx of migrants and the associated security and humanitarian concerns.

Costa Rica’s President emphasized the difficulty of sealing off the Darién Jungle, stating that “it will be difficult” to achieve. This sentiment was echoed by other sources, including the President of Panama, who acknowledged the challenge that lies ahead for the future leader of the country.

Despite the obstacles, the closure of the Darién Jungle remains a top priority for both nations as they seek to address the complex issues surrounding migration and border security. The upcoming elections in Panama will likely be shaped by candidates’ proposed solutions to this pressing issue.

As the fate of the Darién Jungle hangs in the balance, all eyes will be on the new leadership in Panama and Costa Rica to see how they navigate the difficult path ahead.

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