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The role of parents and educators in the prevention and management of bullying

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The role of parents and educators in the prevention and management of bullying

By: Adonis Tupac Ramirez

Today, May 2, marks World Day against Bullying; This is a problem that persists with serious implications for the emotional, social and academic development of children and adolescents. For this reason, the role of parents and educators is essential not only to detect and act in situations of bullying, but also to prevent them from occurring.

Educators are often the first to observe bullying dynamics due to their constant proximity to students in the school environment. Their role is twofold: they must be both watchdogs and mediators. It is essential that they are trained to identify the signs of bullying, which can be both physical (bodily injuries or damage to their supplies or personal objects) and emotional and behavioral (withdrawal, changes in school performance or anxiety). Recognizing these signs allows for early intervention, which is key to mitigating the effects of bullying.

Once a case of bullying is identified, it is crucial for the educator to act. This involves speaking with victims and perpetrators separately and together, always seeking to manage the situation in a constructive and educational way, without stigmatizing. Collaboration with school psychologists and school management is vital to address these problems in a comprehensive and professional manner.

On the other hand, parents have an equally significant role. The home should be the first front of emotional support and security for the child. Parents should be alert to any changes in their children’s behavior that may indicate that they are being bullied or, worryingly, that they are bullying others. Open and constant communication between parents and children is essential. Asking about their daily lives, getting to know their friends and being attentive to their online life are necessary steps to detect problems before they escalate.

Additionally, parents must work hand in hand with the school. Participating in school meetings, staying in touch with teachers, and supporting the school’s bullying prevention policies are practices that should be encouraged.

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It is also essential that both educators and parents foster an environment of respect, inclusion and empathy, both at home and at school. Educating in values, teaching about the consequences of bullying and promoting activities that reinforce self-esteem, respect for differences and social skills are essential.

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