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What is celebrated on Holy Cross Day?

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What is celebrated on Holy Cross Day?

Every May 3, In Mexico the day of the Holy Cross is celebrated, a holiday with cultural and religious roots, but how did it come about and what is celebrated during this day? We explain to you.

“The celebration of the feast of the Holy Cross has its origin in the Christian Faith. This festival has the purpose of venerating the cross as the maximum symbol of Catholic Christianity: Cross – God the Father, and Cross – Holy Spirit, but it also fulfills a propitiatory purpose: Cross – Christ Jesus, the Son giver of life, water and good harvests,” reported the Government of Mexico.

Particularly in Mexico, The Cross became the patron saint of bricklayers and masonry laborers, Therefore, construction workers usually place a Cross decorated with natural or paper flowers at the top of buildings or houses under construction.

The Government of Mexico explained that this custom dates back to time of the illustrious Friar Peter of Ghentwho was the founder of the first school in Mexico.

Photo: Cuartoscuro Archive

On this date, it is common to see the placement of crosses decorated with flowers, palm leaves or branches, both on construction sites and in homes and public places. This practice is accompanied by blessing rituals, prayers and religious acts that vary according to the region and local tradition.

How did it come about?

According to history and legend transmitted over the centuries, the celebration of Holy Cross Day dates back to an event that occurred in the year 326 d.C. It was the Empress Helena, mother of Constantine, who undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem with the purpose of finding the cross in which Christ was crucified.

The Government of Mexico reported that after carrying out excavations on Mount Golgotha, it is said that Helena found three crosses: one of Christ and the other two of the thieves who were crucified next to him.

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To determine which of the three crosses was that of Jesus, Helena decided to touch a sick woman with each of the crosses. The first two had no effect, but upon touching the third cross, heThe woman was miraculously healed.

Photo: Cuartoscuro Archive

This event confirmed that the true cross of Christ had been found. Since then, May 3 marks the anniversary of the discovery of the Holy Cross.

Traditional celebrations included the reenactment of the discovery by the Empress Helena, a solemn mass, the decoration of crosses with flowers and other decorations, as well as dances and festivities in front of the crosses in honor of this sacred event.

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