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José Mujica’s doctor explained how his cancer treatment will be

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José Mujica’s doctor explained how his cancer treatment will be

José Mujica’s personal doctor announces that the former president will receive radiotherapy treatment

(From Montevideo, Uruguay) – Former Uruguayan president José Mujica will undergo radiotherapy treatment to treat the esophageal cancer he suffers from, according to his personal doctor, Raquel Pannone, in a press conference this Thursday. The doctor explained that the studies confirmed that the tumor that the former president has is malignant, but “not too extensive” and that other organs are not affected either.

“They do not have any injury to any other organ. This lesion is limited to the esophagus. Due to the type of physiology that this injury has, we were evaluating the treatment possibilities,” he explained.

The type of cancer that Mujica has has three types of treatments: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but the latter option was chosen given the age of the Uruguayan leader.

“Pepe is 88, almost 89. He has an immunological disease and kidney failure. They rule out the possibility of surgical treatment at this time. He also moves away from chemotherapy and we are left with radiotherapy,” explained the professional.

This means “good news” about the type of cancer that Mujica has, he highlighted.

Former President of Uruguay José Mujica, left, and his wife Lucía Topolansky enter the La Moneda presidential palace for a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the military coup that overthrew the government of late President Salvador Allende in Santiago, Chile, on the 11th September 2023. (AP Photo/Esteban Félix, File)

Pannone highlighted Mujica as an “excellent patient”, who has an “excellent companion”, through his wife, Lucía Topolansky. “They decided to take the recommended feeding measures now,” he highlighted.

Another consideration the doctor made in making the decision was regarding the former president’s mood. “Separating Pepe for more than 40 days from Lucía, from the farm, from the militancy, from his companions is something that was undoubtedly going to work against us in recovery,” he said.

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Mujica will be treated at the Cor Clinic, which is owned by Álvaro Vázquez, son of the two-time president of Uruguay Tabaré Vázquez. This doctor put this health center “at your service” for treatment and the medical team chose him since, in addition, he has an agreement with the Casmu Sanatorium, where Mujica is treated.

Former president José Mujica with Ruben Rada and the presidential candidate he supports, Yamandú Orsi (@OrsiYamandu)

Mujica’s doctor said that the “maximum objective” pursued by the former president is “cure” and the “intermediate objective” is to have a “long survival.” “We have to evaluate the response to this treatment. “It’s just getting started.”

Pannone explained that having a tumor is different from having cancer because the former is a mass that grows inside the body and does not necessarily have to be malignant. “The pathological anatomy differentiates it. That is why some of you consulted me at the beginning and I responded that, on a scientific level, until I had the pathological anatomy I was not going to talk about the characteristics,” he assured.

In the morning, Topolansky gave some details about her husband’s health in an interview on the Arriba Gente program on Channel 10. “He did not metastasize” and assured that he will start treatment “immediately.” “Tomorrow (Friday) they are going to do a checkup to see the exact point where the radiotherapy has to fall and it would start immediately. It is a month and a half of treatment,” she commented.

Former Uruguayan president José Mujica announced that he has a tumor in the esophagus

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The former president reappeared this May 1 at a classic lunch with politicians and friends and said he felt “pretty good” to those who consulted him. He told them that he has to follow a strict diet and, for example, he could not eat meat. He joked that he was going to end up “blending” the roast and having it “type of drink with salad and everything.”

“They have checked me everywhere and the matter is located. It is a type of cellular variant that is highly attackable by radiation. It is almost certain that the treatment they are going to impose on me will be radiation,” he anticipated.

Asked if he is afraid, he answered: “Afraid of what? Of dying? Everything that is born, is born to die. You have to accept it. And I have been lucky: I have been kicked by bullets, I lost my step, I have an immunological disease. I’m living for free! What am I going to complain about! When it’s my turn, it’s my turn.”

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